Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Smarty Pants

That's what Aunt Tina calls me now.  I got a 98 on my first chemistry exam, which was the highest grade in my class.  (Not that I'm bragging or anything)...but I AM celebrating!  It's very important that I get the best grade possible in my pre-nursing classes, because they only accept 30 people into the actual nursing program each go-round.  

For those of you confused about Alana being in school...she's not.  She will not start preschool until September, when I start my nursing classes during the day.  Right now, I am taking my pre-requisite classes at night...and Justin is watching her.  Just wanted to clear that up, because a lot of people have asked me how she is doing in school...

Today I have spent much of the day looking for and researching cars...It gives me a headache just thinking about it :)  Ahhhhh....and then there's my shoulder.  I can't move my left arm above the elbow because my shoulder hurts so bad...I think it's from carrying my chemistry book, and I'm not kidding...But life is good so I shall not complain anymore!

Monday, April 28, 2008

"Pickle Juice"

I know I already posted one blog today, but Alana and I were watching home videos today, and I couldn't resist sharing this one...(She was like 4 months old here)...Enjoy!

God SO Loves Me

Isn't it an amazing feeling to know that you are not just loved, but SO loved?  If only we'd return that kind of love to others...Yesterday our pastor shared an illustration that I'm sure he isn't the first to tell, but I thought it was really powerful and wanted to pass it along. 

We've probably all been to at least one wedding ceremony.  Imagine if the bride went through her vows, committing herself and her undying love for her groom, pouring out her heart...promising to be there through thick and thin, rain or shine, til death...Now imagine the groom looking at her and responding with, "Wow, thanks for sharing that with me.  That's really great that you feel that way..."  Now Pastor Fred said there would be some major commotion going on in that room, especially if his daughter was the one getting married :)  But don't we all do that at times?  Here is Jesus, who died for us...who has that unconditional love for us...and too often we do just what the groom did in the illustration.  We feel grateful that Someone feels that kind of love for us...but do we return the commitment?  I, for one, know that marriage is hard work!  (No offense to Justin, he feels the same haha)  That being said, we need to be willing to put even more effort into our personal relationship with Christ.  That is the most important relationship we can have.  And if you have never accepted Him, just know that He is down on one knee, with His hand held out to you...proposing if you will, asking for you to make that commitment to Him, and making His own commitment to you...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

All You Need is Yoga

This is a shout out of sorts...Mainly for those of you in the good ol' LC.  My friend, Kenzie, is teaching a yoga class in Mt. Dora...to the music of the Beatles!  What more can you ask for?  If you are nearby and able to check it out, do it!  And let me know how it goes!

Yoga and Allison don't mix...Maybe I should make an attempt but I don't feel I am coordinated or flexible enough to make this happen :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

101, No Justin, NOT Dalmations!

That's my first quiz score in my Chemistry class :)  Woohoo!  Yep, I got a 101...I guess all of that studying paid off...Now I'm off to bed.  Or should I say "off to cry myself to sleep because Carly got kicked off of AI"?

Good night, all.

Periodically, I am here.

This is the first chance I've had to blog since Sunday...and really, truthfully, I have things that should take great priority over this.  I'm just taking a break for the sake of my brain.  I started my Chemistry class on Monday night.  Other than the fact it lasts for 5 long hours, it was actually nice to get back into the whole learning thing :)  I highly encourage any and everyone who has the opportunity to go to school early to do it...I HAD the chance, but didn't do much with it.  And now I'm realizing how difficult it is going to be to juggle school with my normal duties.  I am very thankful that Justin has really stepped up to help take some of the pressure off of me.  He knows that this is not just going to affect me, but all three of us.  He is taking over dinner and bedtime duty when I'm at school (obviously), but he is also making sure that he gives me time at home to study...mainly by taking Alana to play outside, etc...I think it finally hit me what a tough school I chose to go to.  It's not that the course material is any different, but we do things so much faster.  We will get through my entire chemistry book in 14 classes...Labs, tests and all...Anything below a 75 and we fail.  So it's gonna kick my butt to say the least.  I'm up for the challenge, and I'll also welcome any and all prayers with open arms :)  
So we cancelled our cable, other than the 20 channels or so that are necessary to have cable internet...took the DVR box back on Monday.  I haven't watched the first show on tv since Thursday, but last night Justin and I did watch American Idol.  Gosh, we missed our DVR haha.  It spoils you, to be able to fast forward through ALL of the boring parts of that show!  I won't write a critique...I like all of the contestants left, but I think Jason or Brooke will be saying bye tonight.  I will be at school taking my first quiz and going through 2 more chapters in lecture...so someone will have to update me on who gets the boot tonight!  
Now I must run...I have to learn the periodic table and much, much more.  Oh, and entertain Alana.  That's the really hard part!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Needs no Introduction.

The Norfolk Tides' #1 Cheerleader!

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's a skunk, It's Amanda Overmyer...It's...

My new 'do.  This is what happens when I am letting my hair grow and get bored.  Alana said she likes my "black and white hair"...It's cool for now :)  If I look tired, it's because I am...3 hours of having your hair stripped of any and all color will do that to anyone...and I'd show the back but it's too hard to take a picture of the back of my own head.

p.s. Note to self...Get some sun.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Post it...Print it...Share it!

Now it's time...To say goodbye...

I know I already posted one entry today, but I feel like this one is worth writing.  I have come to a very real revelation today...one that has been a long time coming, I believe.  So much of my life (and my blogs) has been centered around what's coming on tv that night...or what shows I have to watch on my DVR.  TOO much of my life, in fact.  I joke about it, but at the same time it's a serious thing.  I'm not going to go into super great detail here, because quite frankly the details aren't that important.  For the last 4 years or so, I have spent a lot of time at home...I have said that I can't go without cable because it would drive me insane, when the truth is it's probably detrimental to my well-being to watch it.  Now I'm not saying that all tv is bad...I'm not suggesting that anyone else do what I'm about to do.  I'm sorry to say that you will no longer come here for an American Idol recap...or any other show that comes on tv.  Why?  I have decided to get rid of tv in everyday life and refocus that energy into something more fulfilling.  While it might seem that part of my life is ending...I feel very much that it's the beginning to so much more.  And I plan on using my blog to write about those things instead!  Oh, and not only am I giving up tv but also celebrity gossip of every kind (internet, magazines, etc)  I'm pretty excited to think about the fact that none of that matters...and about finding out what does!  I want something new to define me...

God Bless America

I can't believe it.  I think someone needs to pinch me...I was really tired last night, so I watched American Idol in my bed.  I typically don't watch it live because it takes WAY too long, but I wanted to lie in the comfort of my pillows.  I kid you not, when the results were read...I thought I had fallen asleep and was dreaming...or that maybe it was a side effect of my sleeping meds haha.  I thought Brookie was a goner.  To be honest, I was ready for it to happen, too.  When Ryan grouped the Cooks together, I was sure that meant Kristy Lee was safe.  Thank goodness for tv sneakiness!  I can now watch American Idol next season...If I want to.  I wanted to throw up when the viewer called in and ask if KLC could get her horse back.  I think that the sob story about how she sold it to audition kept her in the competition for as long as she was.  

Not too much else to write about...Justin has duty today, so it will be a long 36 hours or so cooped up in the house.  Luckily the weather is nice here...I'm sure Alana and I will be venturing out, at least to the backyard.  We really need a second car.  And when I say "really" I mean REALLY.  This need is only going to get bigger when I start school next week.  I either need to win the lottery (which I do not play) so I can buy a new one, or find someone selling a reliable car for a reasonable price.  I'm thinking the latter is more likely...but more difficult than I imagined it would be.

Alana just informed me that someone needed to mow our grass...She's a smart girl.  That might be the answer I need to fresh air :)  She woke up before daylight today to put on some of the lipgloss that Justin bought her last night.  She picked out a very cute little princess purse complete with 3 different kinds of lipgloss and a bottle of nail polish.  Then she insisted on carrying her purse everywhere we went thereafter.  Did I mention that the "lipstick", which she applied herself in the car, was blue?!  Justin and I just looked at each other and smiled, and he told her she did a great job.  Are we bad parents because we let her go into a restaurant like that?  :)  The world may never know...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Short and sweet

I'm not gonna go on about tonight's American Idol, because quite frankly I wasn't all that moved and I was just trying to get through it so I could watch the Biggest Loser finale.  Goooo Ali!  Ok, focus.  I'm not a big Mariah Carey fan...at least not since eh, circa 1992.  Obviously, she is an amazing artist.  I loved David Cook tonight...I actually found Jason Castro's performance to be somewhat entertaining (those white shoes are SO distracting, though!)  Carly's song was just alright, but I still like her.  Brooke seemed way too nervous.  And I will say that KLC's song was not the most horrible I've ever heard...Still don't want her in the competition.  All that being said, I'm not sure who will be the next to leave us.  I know my top choice remains the same.  I'm pulling for David, even if people think he is going for the sympathy vote by bringing his brother with brain cancer into the picture.  Give the guy a break!  I like him.  I love his performances MOST every week...and so there you have it.

One more time for Ali!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (And for those of you who aren't Biggest Loser fans, well it was the first time in the history of the show that a chick won...and she rocked it).  

Oh, and a special thanks to the stalkers (I mean, sleuths) who keep me updated on things going on in my family that I am not even aware of.  Just kidding...but for real, though--Nice shave, Jonathan :)  I loves it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It takes more than just believing...

It's easy to say that we have faith and trust in God.  It's simple to speak the truths we know so well...but it's not always easy to live by them.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are a lot of people who "believe" in God...even Satan.   I know in my head that I should not worry about tomorrow because today has enough troubles of its own, but sometimes it's hard to not let my fleshly mind keep me up at night.  I tell myself that God is going to take care of me and my family, but do I really let go and let God?  I know I'm not the first person to struggle with this and certainly won't be the last.  However, the work of God in my life continues to amaze me more and more each day.
This week has been a busy one!  Justin's mom and brother flew up for a visit.  They were here for Christmas, but this time seemed to be a lot more chill...and we did a lot of exciting things!  I mean, who doesn't like to spend over 2 hours at Chuck E. Cheese, go to baseball games, eat lunch at a restaurant on the beach...I can honestly say I will need this week to recover, though!
I now know my official schedule for school.  I start one week from tonight!  I can't believe it is finally here.  I am nervous, but mostly excited!  It's going to be a big transition for all of us in the Portas family, and I'm quite sure it's going to put my trust in God to the test :)  Bring it on!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bradford Baby Update

For those of you who have been praying for the Bradfords, here is the latest update.  Felicia called me yesterday and said she had "good news and bad news".  The good news is that the baby has miraculously unwrapped the cord (both times) from around her neck.  The bad news is that in doing so, she tied it in a knot.  Smart kid, huh?  This is very dangerous, as it restricts and could possibly cut off the oxygen supply to Macie.  They have been doing non-stress tests every other day to check her heart rate and monitor other things (not quite sure exactly what)...I guess she hasn't passed one yet...until yesterday!  So that's a good thing!  The docs have been concerned with her size, saying she was small.  She was measuring in the 12th percentile at the last ultrasound, and they said that the danger is when they drop below the 10th.  Felicia's biggest fear at their 4-D ultrasound was that they would say this had happened.  Well, they measured "little" Macie at 4 lbs, 6 oz at 33 weeks or so.  Alana was only 5 lbs, 6 oz when she was born!  I reassured Felicia that this was good news.  They are just trying to continue waiting things out...letting her cook as long as she can :)  Please continue to keep the family in your prayers.  I will do my best to keep updating everyone.  

Season Seven Shocker...Part 792

I'm not even sure what to say about last night's elimination.  My dad called me at approximately 9:02 p.m. to get my opinion on the eliminated idol...I had to stop him quickly from giving anything away, because I was only halfway into watching it.  I automatically assumed it was going to be Carly.  By the way, it took me 15 minutes to watch an hour-long episode.  When it got down to the bottom three, I knew it was going to be Carly.  America never ceases to amaze me.  How many things have baffled me this season so far...I can't even count.  First off, the fact that Josiah didn't make the top 24.  Then how about the fact that Asiah Epperson got kicked off and Kristy Lee remained...Oh wait, she REMAINS in the present tense.  I don't understand how Ramiele stayed in as long as she did.  I was shocked to find out that Danny Noriega was a boy, when all along I thought "Danny" was short for Danielle.  (I kid, I kid)  But seriously...I have pretty much been able to call each elimination round--up until now.  Michael Johns definitely did not deserve to go.  I don't know what happened, unless maybe people didn't vote because they assumed he would make it through...or maybe they had the lame-brained opinion that it isn't "Australian Idol".  If that's the case, Mrs. Smithson will be the next to go.  I get that Carly didn't have her best week, but I still think she is a better singer than most of the people still standing.  Syesha shouldn't be there.  Kristy Lee, well I'm not even going to waste my blog space writing any more about her--other than this.  I told Justin this about a month ago, and I will put it here in writing:  IF KRISTY LEE COOK WINS AMERICAN IDOL, I WILL NO LONGER WATCH IT.  There you have it, folks.  This season is by far filled with the best singers in American Idol history.  I have to keep telling myself that eventually all but one are going to have to be sent home this way.  

On a different note, we went to the Tides game yesterday.  It was loads of fun, as I knew it would be...the part I didn't prepare myself for was the sunshine and 75 degree weather!  Half of my body (the right side) is nice and red...It's uncomfortable, but I guess that's the price we pay for fun.  The Tides won!  

Today is my MIL's birthday.  Happy Birthday, Judy...We are waiting Justin's arrival from work, so that we can get our party on.  

We'll miss you, Michael... 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Daily Cuteness

Not that I need an excuse or anything...this is a picture I took on my phone the other night at bedtime.  I just couldn't resist :)  Rain made the Tides game wait til tomorrow...so American Idol, here I come!  

Paula, Please!

Thank goodness for my DVR and the capability to fast forward!  Let's see...so last night there were very few that wowed me.   Maybe I was just distracted by the fact that Paula looked as though she had to be greased into her dress.  It was quite inappropriate for family television, and if you noticed, when they went for her critique they closed in on her face :)  The music.  Michael Johns, he did well as usual...not sure I get the whole scarf thing, but I guess it works for him.  Syesha, please stop singing songs by people like Whitney and Fantasia!  Hello!  If you sing a song by an American Idol winner, you are most likely NOT going to sing it better than the original.  Don't even bother.  I called the judges responses the moment she said she was singing "I Believe".  Jason Castro, still pretty (though I wasn't digging the hair last night)...I actually liked his version of "Somewhere over the Rainbow".  Another bold move, considering Simon's love for Katherine McPhee's.  I think he needs to buy his pants a bit bigger, too, haha.  David Cook, blah.  Not moved.  Indifferent.  Uh....who else?  Oh, of course, Kristy "I shouldn't still be here" Lee.  She seriously needs to go home.  America, help me out on this.  Alright, so she sang a Martina McBride song well.  She is no Carrie Underwood.  We don't need an American  Wannabe.  We need an Idol.  Carly Smithson, I love you.  I didn't know the song you sang though.  I still voted for you.  David Archuleta, um...I actually dug your song, but I (ashamedly) have the Jessica Simpson cd that has the same song on it...and yeah, I couldn't get that out of my mind :)  Last but not least, Brooke (or as I call her "Brookie" or "Brookie-Poo") White.  She is one of my favorites, too...but what's the deal with that face she makes every time a judge begins their critique?  Ok, I voted for her once also...on Justin's behalf.  I do love the song she sang.  That gave her points.  So who is in the bottom three this week?  If I had my choice, it would be Kristy Lee Cook, Syesha Mercado and....I don't know.  It's getting to the point where I don't want any of the others to leave just yet.  I am honestly clueless as to how the vote will go!  So we'll see!

I won't be watching American Idol tonight (Live, anyway), because I will be watching the Norfolk Tides play baseball...weather permitting!  Justin's mom and brother are in town, and neither have been to a baseball game before.  Last year we had the absolute most fun we'd experienced (in Norfolk) there.  And hey, for $4 a ticket--Thank you, Navy--We'll be going to a lot of games this season!  I think Justin said something about Chuck E. Cheese too.  I don't know if I can handle so much excitement in one day :)

We went for our tour of Alana's school-to-be yesterday...and LOVED it!  Keep saying prayers that everything works out.  I also finally learned my first day of classes will be April 21st...so it's just around the corner.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  My brain has been in mommy mode for way too long, and it might be hard to switch it back into student mode.  I know it'll work out.  

I shall close this with a big "Happy Birthday" wish to my dearest friend, Deborah (in Nashville)...Seriously, we live too far apart and talk way too little on the phone.  And also, I have the same wish for Denise, aka my mom's best friend.  Happy Birthday to you, too!

Monday, April 7, 2008

All Grown Up

I think maybe we've found the right school to send Alana to!  I don't want to jump the gun, but all signs have led me back to this particular one.  We are going to go check it out tomorrow and see the facilities, etc...but the people seem very nice.  As much as I don't want to send Alana off to school, the day will come soon enough that she has to go to school or I'll be arrested :)  This has been a struggle for me, because preschools are not cheap!  This is the one corner I'm not willing to cut, though...I won't settle for an "alright" place to send her just to save a few bucks.  Instead, I'll be getting rid of my DVR (sniff, sniff) and shopping at the commissary more...Things that really aren't that big of a deal.  I know that we can make it happen...Justin and I are trusting that God will lead us to the right decision.   I'll let you know how it goes!  

And p.s...Like I'm gonna have TIME to watch any tv when nursing school starts!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tunes for your weekend listening pleasure

Ok so I'm pretty blog illiterate. I'm not sure if it's the fact that I can't figure this out or if it's just not possible in the first place. I was trying to put Justin's newest songs on here (the ones he recorded with Lawson on Wednesday)...however, I guess that's not gonna happen. Instead I shall post a link to them. Please check them out :)


The Whirly Girls...er, uh Curly Girls

Alana went to bed with braids last night...So obviously, her hair was super curly when we took them out this morning. I got the brainiac idea to curl mine too. We started off taking pictures to show off our hair, but we couldn't see Alana's...and mine just looks crazy...so these are the pictures we came up with. This is what happens when two people are cooped up for long periods of time. I don't recommend it to anyone. Justin will come home and wonder who we are and what we did with his girls. Have a fun, safe and blessed weekend!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Goodbye, Overly-emotional sobby girl.

I really can't believe it, but my choice for the bottom two were actually the bottom two this week. Now if good ol' Kristy could make her departure next week...I was kind of bummed that "Brookie", as I lovingly refer to her, was in the bottom three. There is just a pureness about her that makes me want to see her succeed. Then again, for that very same reason, she will probably be given the boot! I was actually surprised that Fox even allowed Dolly to sing her "Jesus and Gravity" song...Moving on from "reality" tv to my actual reality...things in the Portas household have been going quite well. I'm still recovering from some messed up Eustachian tubes, whatever those may be. Last week I had to go to the doctor, because I was feeling extremely dizzy (to the point I couldn't stand up--difficult, when you have a 3 year old), headaches, nausea...I thought this was a side effect to a new medication I was taking, so I called the doctor. He of course told me to stop taking it immediately and come see him. Come to find out, it wasn't the medication at all but an issue with my Eustachian tubes...I guess they are the tubes from your ears to your throat or something along those lines (I am going to rock as a nurse, haha)...anyways, the fluid was causing my equilibrium to be off and causing me to have headaches, pain behind my ear...the drainage caused the nausea. Isn't it amazing how our bodies work? I like mine so much better when it's working properly. All that being said, I am on the mend and extremely thankful for that. Our family has seen a pretty amazing shift over the past month. I won't dive too deep into the details, but God has definitely had His hand in bringing peace to our hearts and putting a bit of pep in our step. Old friends are becoming new, and we are able to see things in a more radiant light. This is vague, I know...but for those of you who know me best, you get it. And really it doesn't matter if you get it or not...What matters is that you understand how much God really does reward us for our patience, loyalty and simply trusting in Him. I can't believe how life has changed in the past 3 years or so! That being said, tomorrow is whites inspection, and there are uniforms to be ironed, pins to be placed and haircuts to be gotten.

In good old-fashioned Jon style...
Peace, Love and Military creases.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This One's For You, Jess

I really wanted to post my American Idol critique here last night while it was fresh in my head. Unfortunately for me, I had a bit of a distraction. I will give you a hint...It was little and gray, and ran across the room giving me something just short of a coronary. Yup, you guessed right. Another mouse! I am almost positive that this is thanks to leaving our door open while we videotaped parts of Justin's video. We had the screen door closed, but those pests can get in through anything. Alana informed me that we need to "put a towel down outside the door when we leave". Wow, where she comes up with this stuff I may never know! Justin had duty last night, so I was here alone with a broom in hand, standing like a statue...waiting for the sucker to come out from behind my treadmill so I could give it a good whack. It's so funny, because even if I WAS quick enough to whack it, what in the world would I have done with it? It would have given any of you a good laugh to see me, though.

So on to the good stuff...
Where to begin? I guess I'll start with the let downs of the night. Ramiele. Why are you still here? And why do you always wear those high-waisted shorts? You are like 4 feet tall! (I can say this, because I am not much taller). I don't know much, but I do know that short people and high-waists don't go well together. And to top it off, her singing was just so-so. Jason Castro...You are a beautiful boy, but I'm becoming rather bored. Kristy Lee. Why did this week have to be country? She did alright with the song, but she still has the nails (no offense to anyone of my readers who might have the talons that are painted like a french manicure, only with red tips). Not a fan, but you already know that. I'll go for the highlights now. I must say that David Archuleta won his way back into my heart last night. He's back! And it seems as though someone took my advice and gave him a tube of chapstick...Or who knows, maybe David himself read my blog and stopped with the lip-licking madness :) I thought Carly did a good job...she has an amazing voice. Simon, the fashionista, had to rag on her style though. What the heck? Those comments should've been used for two females previously mentioned. David Cook...still growing increasingly fond of him. And hello?! He got his hairs cut for real this week! Yay! I hear he had to be rushed to the hospital after the show, so I hope he has a full and speedy recovery. The only other person I'm going to mention (this time) is Michael Johns. Typically I am indifferent when it comes to him. I think he's a great singer, but I'm not usually entirely moved by his performances. Last night, I realized that he is still very much in the competition. Sometimes I think he is channeling Jim Morrison or something. I actually dug his Dolly song. But who am I to judge? I am not a musician. I am not a singer. I am not even a stylist! All I am is a chick with no night life...that sits and watches American Idol and pretends to be the fourth judge. It WOULD be nice if I got paid for it :) Tonight should be interesting. There are really only two people I'd like to see go at this point...Ramiele and Kristy Lee. Unfortunately, I know the latter will probably be in the final two. Why, America? Why? Thoughts? Who is it going to be?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear (Grammy)
Happy Birthday to you....

50 down, and at least that many to go :)

I love you!!!!! xoxoxo

Why, oh Why?

This blog could go both ways...It could be a long rant, asking why God lets bad things happen to good people. It could be a place for me to whine about being surrounded by loss. Instead, I want to celebrate the life that I have...The fact that I am so incredibly blessed to be given each and every breath that I take. I got news that someone I knew died tragically this weekend. It wasn't someone I was "friends" with, but I knew him through my brother and other friends...We went to church together when I first moved to Nashville. Anyway, he was killed this weekend in a freak canoeing accident. It's awful, because he was a really nice kid...just 24 years old. And like I said, as awful as I feel when I hear things like this, I also have to stop and look at how lucky I am to have another day. It's so important to live each day as if it is your last (as cliche as it sounds)...and even more so, to make sure that everyone you know is going to Heaven when they do pass. What's more important than that? Life is precious...and so are all of you!