Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day Goodbyes

The fact that I am sitting down to post a blog is amazing in itself...Things have been super busy here the past weeks, especially the past few days! Justin and I have been wearing ourselves out getting things in order for our big move...The movers will be here in less than 12 hours! And then we will clean, paint and drive for two days :) There IS a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, though!

So today was Alana's last FULL day of school. She's going tomorrow, but it's an early release day. Justin and I took cupcakes (green ones, of course!) to her class this afternoon for a "goodbye" party. She also made special gifts for each of her classmates--a pencil with a note attached, asking everyone to be her pen pal.

Here is the finished product!
(I blurred out our new address for obvious reasons)

I had to throw this picture in...This week they are raising money for relay for life and yesterday was "crazy clothes" day...I think she looks kinda 80s, but super cute still :)

The yellow table...
This is Alana's table, munching down on cupcakes.

And the next table...

Last but not least!

Justin was trying to take a picture of Alana and her friend Jadin...
The boys kept trying to jump in :)
And today, by the way, was crazy HAT day!

Jadin T. and Alana
I can't stop laughing when I see her picture because Justin said today she looks
like a mini-Sarah Silverman...It's kinda true :)

I think Justin was trying to take a picture of Aidan behind her...
He laughed hysterically because she had icing in every inch of her hair!

My big girl, making a silly face :)

Ms. Kimball and her star student :)
It was bittersweet, but we are excited about our newest chapter of life. It's always nice when you go to your child's school to get transfer papers and they say your daughter cannot leave :) Ms. Kimball went over some of Alana's math testing, etc with me and it made me SO proud. She missed ONE question (that she didn't answer at all) and when Ms. K. explained it to me, I didn't understand what she was supposed to do either haha. Very proud of my baby girl! Everyone keeps telling me how amazing she is going to do no matter where she is--and I agree!

Please pray for us these next few days as we travel to Columbia, SC (to visit Gigi and the aunts) and then on to Nashville. We are all worn out, but like I said...we have motivation to get there!

I have to get back to business...

Peace, Love and Lucky days