Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Periodically, I am here.

This is the first chance I've had to blog since Sunday...and really, truthfully, I have things that should take great priority over this.  I'm just taking a break for the sake of my brain.  I started my Chemistry class on Monday night.  Other than the fact it lasts for 5 long hours, it was actually nice to get back into the whole learning thing :)  I highly encourage any and everyone who has the opportunity to go to school early to do it...I HAD the chance, but didn't do much with it.  And now I'm realizing how difficult it is going to be to juggle school with my normal duties.  I am very thankful that Justin has really stepped up to help take some of the pressure off of me.  He knows that this is not just going to affect me, but all three of us.  He is taking over dinner and bedtime duty when I'm at school (obviously), but he is also making sure that he gives me time at home to study...mainly by taking Alana to play outside, etc...I think it finally hit me what a tough school I chose to go to.  It's not that the course material is any different, but we do things so much faster.  We will get through my entire chemistry book in 14 classes...Labs, tests and all...Anything below a 75 and we fail.  So it's gonna kick my butt to say the least.  I'm up for the challenge, and I'll also welcome any and all prayers with open arms :)  
So we cancelled our cable, other than the 20 channels or so that are necessary to have cable internet...took the DVR box back on Monday.  I haven't watched the first show on tv since Thursday, but last night Justin and I did watch American Idol.  Gosh, we missed our DVR haha.  It spoils you, to be able to fast forward through ALL of the boring parts of that show!  I won't write a critique...I like all of the contestants left, but I think Jason or Brooke will be saying bye tonight.  I will be at school taking my first quiz and going through 2 more chapters in someone will have to update me on who gets the boot tonight!  
Now I must run...I have to learn the periodic table and much, much more.  Oh, and entertain Alana.  That's the really hard part!


Jenna Lea said...

i agree about AI. They were both pretty bad. I would let you know but I get to go to vball tonight aand miss it.
I'll be praying for you and your family in this big change ;)
Now, Study your brains out! :D

sjaarnaeh said...

your so Lucky To Have Justin There To Help Out! Have Fun In School =]

John Schneck said...

This American Idol thing is a JOKE! Brooke and Jason survive while Carly goes home? Your time is better spent on the periodic tables. I am so blown away! Since you don't have your DVR, I am commenting for you. I am proud of you for kicking butt with your school work. I love you all...

Melanie said...

It's a good thing your dad filled you in. I work nights, so I'm not much help with AI updates. Tomorrow I'm going to Boise to see Rush of Fools and Newsboys. Mostly the first band mentioned, although Newsboys have the stage thing totally down. :)

You are so right about getting the schooling early. I wish I could go back to school, but I have no time when I can afford it and no money when I have time and my memory is shot now.

Maybe you can make up songs and teach Alana the Periodic table. She'll have no idea what it means yet, but it will be pretty helpful down the road. LOL Chemistry was difficult for me in high school. I always got knocked down on technique.

So cool that Justin is helping!
