Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mountain Climbing...and a Pile of Pictures to prove it.

Today was Alana's first day in her new gymnastics class...as if that weren't excitement enough for one day, Angie and I decided to take the kids to Mt. Trashmore (yes, that's really what it's called) to play outside in the nice fall weather. I've never been there before, just see it in passing all the time. There's a big outdoor skate park there, and seriously...it's a mountain. We climbed up and down it twice, which was a feat enough for Angie and me...but with a 22 month old and a 4 year old...yeah, they should sleep good tonight :)

This is when we reached the top, the first time over!
My little monkey
I love her sweetness.
Jalen crossing the rings with a little help from Mommy.
Chillin on the tires
Seriously, this is my attempt to get a picture of both of them together.
I've decided it's impossible.
Angie and Jalen swinging
Time to go back up the mountain!
Alana got impatient and decided to run for it.
Like Rocky, she's victorious at the top!
Angie, Jalen and Alana ran back down the other side.
I had on flip flops and decided to save my neck.
Ducks, too? This place has everything!
Bouncing on a whale
Whistling on what she called a "llama"
So that was our day! I'm pooped out just blogging about it. I hope to spend many more afternoons there...and next time we are taking Jalen's kite! (and for the record, Alana's hairdo was a result of that wind).

Ah, Mt. Trashmore. I find such pleasure in the simpler things in life :)


Peace, Love and Good nights sleep for everyone!


Anonymous said...

you beat me to posting my blog...you super duper blogger! haha We had tons of fun...Cant wait to go back! next time you are running down the hill and I get to take the picture! haha JK!!! Later Tater!

Jenna Lea said...

awww :)
I do have to say the last picture is my favorite.

and... HOORAY! that's for mr. portas coming home soon :)

Anonymous said...

im going next time too!!! wait for me! jejeje. Cant wait to meet u guys either!

Melanie said...

I got pretty tired reading it, too. :) Sweet photos. I am pretty sure I've heard of Mt. Trashmore before. Looks like it's a pretty cool place. :)

And yea, for Justin coming home!!