Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween! I've been waiting all day to be able to post...but of course, I had to wait for the trick-or-treating to actually take place first :) Alana wanted to be Tinkerbell for Halloween this year...We had to do some improvising, thanks to cold weather and short hair...but I think that she turned out looking like quite the cute fairy myself!

Posing with her Cinderella pumpkin and her pumpkin basket!
This year was Alana's first year ever going trick-or-treating. Last year we had the big to-do for our community and the years before that she was too little...While I was hesitant about how she would react to knocking on strangers doors...She did AMAZINGly well. We went with the McKinneys to their friends' house and hit up their neighborhood for candy. Here's an idea of how the night went...

Jalen was the cutest Elmo ever!

Me and Alana

Trick-or-treating is fun, Mommy!

The guy at this house told us the witch was inside (referring to his wife)

Getting that pumpkin nice and full!

Doesn't this kid look thrilled to be handing out candy?

This one might be my favorite of all...
The evidence is in Justin's teeth :)

Portas family!

Alana and Justin checkin' out the goods.

Jalen sharing his candy with Justin.

And a lollipop for the ride home!

Being the nerd that I am...I videoed the first house we stopped at. This was Alana's first try at the "trick-or-treat". By the end of the night (others will back me on this), Alana was running full speed ahead across people's lawns by herself. She's a natural. Not even the scary dude who answered the door dressed in a Scream costume freaked her out. She didn't bat an eye, just looked back to the road at Justin and me like "what in the world is up with this guy"?

Oh, and the highlight of our night may have been the gas we got on the way home for 2.07 a gallon! We filled up the car for $30...Glorious!

Peace, Love and the Best Halloween Yet!


John Schneck said...

Great pics. Great time. Cool family. I love you guys!

Jenna Lea said...

awwww! I think i start every post with awwww :\
That was adorable!!!! I love that girl! and the pictures were super cte too!

Melanie said...

I can't hear sound where I am, but Alana looks almost timid until it's her turn, and then she just walks right up. :) You did a great job with the costume, very cute!!

I so loved the pics. :)

And I wish our gas prices would drop that low. I just paid $2.57 and that was with a discount of
$.10 per gallon.

Denise Schneck said...

Fun! I missed you guys soooooooooo much!
Making memories is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

You did great on the costume...she is adorable !! I'm so glad Justin was able to be there for the looks like the Portas family had a great night...including the gas price !!!
Love to all, xooxxo