Sunday, February 22, 2009

Daddy Prayers.

(Yes, this is Justin's actual rack)

Alana just gets sweeter by the minute. Tonight when I was getting her ready for bed, she decided to start praying (unprompted) for Justin. It went a little something like this:

Dear Jesus,
Please help Daddy rest good tonight on his ship in his little rack. And please help him feel real comfortable.

Ah, the faith of a child!

Please remember Justin in YOUR prayers as well tonight!

Peace, love and little words with big meaning


Melanie said...

That is sweet. As for the prayers -- will do. :)

Those racks don't look terribly huge, but I do like the storage space underneath (as seen in one of the pic's.. I think one of Angie's.)

Anonymous said...

her faith is true and that is because she has been carefully taught! Bless you both for that. Of course my prayers are for all of you each day...

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh she is so sweet! u should be so proud of her!!!!
and by the way! is it sommer there? because here is so cold!!!!jejeje