Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time Zones Apart

We are almost through our 4th Justin-less day. I can't believe it's only Tuesday :) Please continue to pray for him and Jeremy and the rest of the crew...We cannot possibly fathom what it's like to live that life. I heard a rumor that they are (or will soon be) in a different time zone. Here we go!

Alana seems to be adjusting well. She goes through her moments...The ones where she says "Daddy" in the saddest voice possible and then fake sniffles. She's taking care of me like Justin told her to, though--Except for the fake spiders she's been tormenting me with all day :)

Peace, Love and Time for a certain little girl to get a bath and go to bed

If any of you would like to send Justin an encouraging note via email or snail mail, please email me (allisonportas@gmail.com) and I will pass his info along.


Anonymous said...

i love the new blog layout! time for them to start sailing far away from us soon they will be hours ahead of us :( stinks!!

Melanie said...

I would think it a bit maddening at times to not know what is going on. I think that would be tough.

Glad to hear that Alana is adjusting well. It's probably because she knows how much she is loved. :)

I will try to think of something to write to Justin when I get off work this evening, and I will say prayers for J&J today. :)

Smile, it's Wednesday now! ;)

God's blessings, Melanie

Jenna Lea said...


Denise Schneck said...

I love the new layout, too! Feels "spring-like" and I need "spring-like"! Love you and miss you!