I am warning you this post might be a bit melodramatic...but bear with me! I have been doing a very good job at being the strong, independent woman that I am--putting on the brave face, taking care of the house and kiddo...But then sometimes, I am reminded (like a slap in that brave face) that I miss my husband. Today at church was one of those times. I somewhat forgot that this was Memorial Day weekend, and then they decided to show this video montage of every branch of the military which included numerous homecomings...husbands and fathers embracing their families after so much time apart. I think this deployment has gone by pretty fast so far, but when I think about it...it's been THREE months since I've seen Justin. I've heard his voice for a total of about 5 minutes during that time. The worst thing is, I have it made compared to some wives! All I'm really asking is that while everyone is barbecuing tomorrow, remember those who have fought (or are fighting) for our freedom. The freedom that allowed me to go to church this morning and see that video. The freedom that allows me to post whatever nonsense I am feeling at any given time on this blog...It is not a
right...It is an honor that we are free!
Justin...I love you very much, and I am SO thankful that you are making this sacrifice--not only for our family, but for our country.

Now here are some pictures from today :) (The picture of Justin is one he sent me via email from I believe the Suez canal)...
Me and my two favorite kiddos, Alana and Liam
(The sun was in their eyes!)

Me and Alana!


Peace, Love and Remembrance...
Wow, I guess that would be really tough.
Justin looks pretty awesome in the pic. Thanks for the prayer reminder.
Wow, I can't believe how big Liam is already. And Alana is growing up also. I always love your pics. :)
I prayed for you all last night.
You are so brave! It makes me thankful to have Mike home everyday...I can't believe I used to get sad when he had to work late and wouldn't be home for dinner. Thinking of people who have fought and are fighting for us puts it in a whole new perspective! Thanks for reminding us today isn't just about grilling out and relaxing! And thanks Justin, for everything you do...and for having a super cool wife and daughter! Lol!
I love you and I'm praying for you Mrs. Portas!
Those are some cute kids. :)
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