Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas and some!

Christmas is past, and New Years is coming of my resolutions is to get back to the blogging regularly again. It was such an amazing holiday, filled with lots of family and friends and fun...I know that Justin and I feel so completely blessed this year, even more than usual. There are a ton of pictures in this post, so bear with me!

Alana had last week and this week off of school, so I tried to come up with lots of creative ways to keep us busy during the days...One day we made ornaments. On Wednesday, we made gingerbread cookie pops to use as place settings for our Christmas dinner. It seemed like a good idea when I bought them, lol. was a lot of fun, just more work than I had planned.

Alana was so proud of our creations
They look sorta special, I know :)
We even specialized the ones for the guys...
Justin's was purple and yellow for the Vikings.
Jeremy's was red and yellow for the Noles!

On Thursday, Alana made cookies for Santa. While she was helping, she said "Mommy, Christmas is my favorite holiday because it's Jesus' birthday. It made me smile :)

Here she is putting the criss-crosses on the peanut butter ones!
The McKinneys also came over on Thursday, as did the Groths. We had a mini gift-exchange before our families got here.

Jalen got a G.I. Joe!

Alana got Trouble and an Easy Bake Oven!!
My mom and my grandma (also known as Grammy and Gigi) made their way from SC to our house on Christmas eve. Before they got here, Justin, Alana and I ate our traditional "Breakfast for dinner on Christmas eve". It was yummy, if I do say so myself :) Once the grandmas got here, we got the real party started!

Alana chose one gift to open from Mommy and Daddy...
Princess Tiana (and frog)!

Grammy let her open one from her too...
Strawberry Shortcake!

Me and Justin...ready to play Santa!

Alana had put a present for Jesus under the tree (which she got at church)...
She had to open it on Christmas Eve and is supposed to keep it in her room as a reminder of her gift to Jesus this year.

It says "Jesus, I will help poor people this year"

Here's what Alana left for Santa this year...
CHOCOLATE milk (she said he'd want that) and peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies!

In turn, Santa left her lots of Barbies with wings...

Look at all those presents!

Nothing left but crumbs here...

Christmas morning, Justin was the first one awake. He was up at 5 a.m., and so of course I was too :) He was so excited! That, and he had to be at work at 9:30, so he wanted to get the day going!
Justin helping Alana get her stocking

It was full of all kinds of goodies!

Gigi was ready to roll too!

Alana got Pixos and she literally hugged the box :)

This picture makes me laugh!
I got my mom these's a long story, but I think she liked them :)
Justin bought Alana a bat and some balls...
How cute are these two?!

Christmas cheese :)

And Christmas love...

And more love...

Such big presents!

And another!!!

Justin was happy...
and all it took was a GI Joe and a Vikings jersey :)

This is Alana's gift from Grammy!
A THREE story dollhouse, which I put together with lots of love and frustration :)

Jalen brought over some of his gifts to show Alana!

Time for food!

Helping Alana get situated so I could make my own plate!

The guys table...
Jeremy, Justin and Chris


Angie and Me

These are Alana's presents from far :)
So the day after Christmas, we all went bowling. It was fun, but we decided not to quit our day jobs anytime soon. Before we left, my mom asked Justin to take a "four generation picture"...(we have quite a few of these now)...well, this is our best shot!

My PBA bowler...hahahahahaha

I like to refer to this as "big butt, little butt"

Can't believe how big she is getting!!!

So sweet.

It's been such a great year, and it's coming to a close. We are also getting ready to say goodbye to Justin AGAIN, hopefully for the last time. I hope everyone else had a blessed Christmas, and that you find even more blessings in the new year!

Peace, Love and 2000 and what?!


Hampers said...

Nice to see that Kids had a great time on Christmas. They are really adorable. Enjoyed your blog very much.

Unknown said...

Wow. Thanks so much for being you! We are so lucky to have you in our family! I miss you guys and hope to see you soon. Stay strong like always for this last deployment. Love, Aunt Debbie

Melanie said...

Wow, Alana made out like a bandit! Santa was also very hungry. LOL

I enjoyed the Christmas pics. I kind of miss a more "traditional" Christmas with family and kids, but I was blessed to be seeing both of my granddaughters.

I am way behind on my blogs. I'm glad you are going to keep up, though. I always enjoy yours.

P.S. We ate at Chick-Fil-A on Christmas Eve, and I thought of you. LOL