Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Going "Home"

Just a quick hi and goodbye, before I make my way to my Momma's house! I'll be out the door before daylight tomorrow. I'm soooo excited to be going back to Nashville. It seems like an eternity, and I can't wait to see my friends and family. Justin leaves in the morning as well...Hopefully this is the last trip out for him (other than a couple of week-long jaunts). I'll try and report (or blog) from Nashville, but if not...make sure you are ready for my long and boring catch-up entry when I return :) As Alana says so hysterically, "Wait for it...wait for it..."


Jenna Lea said...

I'm always excited to read long blogs. Mine are always only like a sentence. Tell the people of Nashville Jenna says hi! Jk. They'd think i was crazy and... i am! I'm praying for you and your family! You're amazing!

sjaarnaeh said...

Tell The People Of Nashville That The Irish Say "Hi" And Ask Him How His Tayto Was (He Probably Forgets That Bit) Jon Will Find That Funny :D
I Hope You Have Fun Visiting Home!