Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Journey Begins...
Alright. At 10:17 p.m. on 10/17 (coincidentally, honest!) I had what I hope shall be my last sip of my last Coke...ever! I know that anyone who knows me knows the difficulty I have in giving up Coke 100%...but I'm doing it. It's not just Coke that will disappear from my diet, at least not for now. I'm doing a complete overhaul on my entire family's way of eating. I'm lucky to have a husband who says, "Whatever you buy, whatever is put on the table, I will eat"...So what brought this on? Long story, but I'll sum it up as best I can. I have zilch energy most everyday, even when I wake up. And this is not a good thing, considering my job of chasing a 2 and 3 year old around all day! I generally just don't feel good. So the whole corny saying "I was sick and tired of being sick and tired" led me to do my research on what I could do to change that. I don't get sick hardly ever, but I just...don't...feel...good. My mom is a nurse, and she is also quite knowledgeable when it comes to this kind of thing...and since I talk to her about a dozen times a day (yes, you read that right) she told me I should try to have a gluten-free, sugar-free diet and she was sure it would make a world of difference. Yet, in doing my research on that...I came across another book that I read cover to cover in a matter of 2 hours that shocked the socks off of me (and the Coke out of me) in a way that I never expected. Oh yeah, I forgot this was supposed to be the short version of the story. I truly began to understand the whole concept of "you are what you eat"...and when I look at what I've been putting into my body, as well as what I've been letting my child eat...I had an Oprah "ah-ha!" moment. So starting today...right now...we are transforming into a family of non-animal product-eating will be hard, but we are at least going to do it for a bit to see if it makes a difference in the way we feel and the levels of energy we have. As for Alana, she will go on this journey with us, but I'm sure her chicken nugget days are not completely a thing of the past. As crazy as it sounds, I felt like I was letting go of a dear friend by drinking my final Coke last night...which truly shows how much of an addiction it has become for me. I hope that I can continue to post about my wonderful progress and success with this! And for the record, I love animals but that is NOT what this is about for me, and I will continue to wear leather shoes, or carry a leather purse, etc. (Shh, don't tell PETA). This is about what I put into my body...and the journey begins.
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Hmmm.... I can do ok without meat for a time. I know I gave up meat and chicken and just ate fish, vegetables, etc. for a while. I didn't notice a huge difference. It's good to try it, though, because diet does have a huge influence and despite the way we are oft treated, we are all physically different. Some people do very well totally vegan, and others do not. I'm in the do not category. But I do eat way too many carbs, which will definitely come back to haunt me soon. And coke is probably not too good for you. LOL I wish more places had good things to drink besides just water that are caffeine/dairy free. LOL
my mom kinda had an energy downfall and this dude told her that she had low adrenal something or other and she needed to eat differently. She eats eggs with garlic and onion for breakfast, an organic salad for lunch, and salmon or chicken for dinner. She has protein shakes and stuff in there too. Sadly, i don't eat like that. I had an ice cream sandwich for lunch and chick fila for dinner. I had a sandwich and chips too for lunch. You're probably getting annoyed about me telling you everything my family eats, it was suppose to be encouraging. :D YOU CAN DO IT! or should i say Y'ALL CAN DO IT!!! like my texan? oh... and my mom has more enery now. I gave up soda for a year. Form this day forward i will slowly come away from with habbit and be on the journey with the portas family. i think i've said enough for now. :D
Good Luck! I Know That It Will Probably Be Hard TO Give Up Your Coke But In The End It Will Most Likely Be A Big Help. I Myself Dont Really Like Soda But I Think That Animal Thing Would Do Me A World Of Good. I Tried To BE Vegeterian Once But Seeing As Te Rest Of My Family Didnt And We Eat Meat Everyday At Dinner, It Didnt Work Too Well :)
That is truly awesome!
I'm a vegetarian and cutting out
meat, even though I still eat animal
products, has made a big difference
in how I feel. It is actually
surprisingly easy, I've been one for
over 4 months and it is second nature
to me! Well Good Luck!
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