Sunday, November 4, 2007

Build a Bear, Crush a Child

Anyone who knows Alana, knows that she has 3 things that have been her "security" basically her whole life...The things she must carry with her (at least in the car) when we go somewhere and sleep with...Her puppy, "paci", and blanket. For the most part, this isn't a big deal...but seriously, no 3 year old needs a pacifier! However, it is no one's fault but my own for letting her have it all this time. I blame part of it on the fact that I'm pretty much a single mom most of the time, so it's "easy"...I also thought that she would eventually get rid of it on her own, considering none of her friends have them...Well, that didn't happen. So I came up with a brainiac plan to free her from her pacifier....I thought I'd wait until Justin was gone during this transition period, because he needs sleep at night and I was sure none of us would be getting any of that once the pacifier went bye-bye! Yesterday, my mom and I took Alana to Build-A-Bear for the first time. I've been prepping her for this by telling her (every time we pass by the store) that when she gives up the paci she can build one. Then I came up with an even BETTER idea :) Let's put the pacifier IN the bear, so she can sleep with it still, but in a different way. She was so excited while she built her puppy...she didn't want an actual "bear". I was thrilled to have my mom there, because I just knew that once the puppy was sewn shut she was going to have an all-out meltdown. I watched as Alana put her pacifier in the puppy's belly...then she stuffed it...made a wish on a heart and put that in there, too. The lady sewed it shut and I took a huge sigh of relief when we got out of the store without incident. Time nap for Alana...the more tired she got, the more she started hating her new puppy. She would kinda kick it on the floor. She went to bed pretty easily, but at around midnight I was awaken by the shrieking and screaming and kicking of my little girl. Who knew? Haha. Let's just say it was a long night...thank you daylight savings time for that extra much-needed hour. One night down, maybe tonight will be much easier...maybe! She is dressing her puppy right now, which she named "Kassie the Paci Puppy"...The birth certificate proves it! Here's to no more pacifiers...and a good night's rest tonight!


Melanie said...

Yea, the first night is really hard. IT should get better as time goes on. Just remember if you have a bad night that this will not last forever. It's just like when they are infants and you think you'll never get to rest... it doesn't last forever.

Cute idea, though. :)

Jenna Lea said...

haha. My sister loved her paci too. Then, one day the doctor took it away from her.
That was a brilliant idea to put it in the bear! I NEVER would've thought of that. :D
Way to go!!! I hope you get more sleep tonight :D