Friday, March 14, 2008

Flats and Heroes

I'm setting records by blogging twice in one day...But this day deserves to be blogged about while it's fresh in my memory. Mind you, I'm still going on little sleep from my Amy Grant concert last night. So I had a doctor's appointment today...pretty routine. I have had a really bad time with the military hospitals finding time to see me and Alana...which is why she is almost 4 and still hasn't had her 3 year well exam. Oops! Anyway, we (for whatever reason) are assigned to the army base next to our old apartment. It's like 30 miles from where we live now, and I could change this over but I haven't done it for reasons too lengthy to bore you with. SOOOOO...Justin gets off work early, comes home so I can go to the doctor. No kids allowed in the doctor's office I'm going to. I make my happy way there...have my appointment. Things started to go downhill from there. I won't get into specifics, but the visit didn't go as I had hoped and I ended up getting shuttled around from floor to floor and desk to desk...And of course, not successfully accomplishing anything. So I literally feel like I am going to cry...I am having a crummy day. Go out to the car to recompose myself and call Justin...and as I get closer to my car, I see that the back tire is as flat as a pancake. Did I mention I was already having a bad day? AND that I was a good 30 miles from home? Oh and our neighbors that might be able to help out, well, they are on vacation...visiting the set of One Tree Hill :) Ah, so where was I? Oh yes, I was sitting in the grass at Ft. Eustis Army base, literally in tears. I tried asking, basically begging people for help. Did I find any? Nope! I make my way back into the hospital to the information desk and ask the two lovely gentlemen there if they can help a girl out. They did make an attempt, feeble as it may have been...but did they get my tire changed? NO! I found out that apparently MPs (military police) are not "allowed" to help damsels in distress...something about liability. And the same goes for security...And the maintenance people...well, they are just too busy maintaining stuff to help anyone. I tried to find the positive, bright side of things...and then I looked up at the sky. Ah, yes! At least it's not raining! The sun is shining and it's 75 degrees outside...Wow, a ray of hope. But shhh, we don't want to jinx it! I pick up my phone and wonder who in the world can I call? What can I do to get my frustrated body home? And then it hit me. Call Marc Knauss. He will surely be home on Friday afternoon...And I mean, his son IS superman after all (at least that's what Alana tells me) maybe HE can help me out. I dial the number and await an answer...I am not sure if I cried or begged or pleaded...oh wait, I didn't have to. I just spoke the words, "I'm in a crisis" and literally 20 minutes later, Marc was there (with his precious baby Luke) changing my tire. The moral of this story is that there ARE good people in this world. Marc, you are one of them for changing my tire...Melissa, you are one for letting your husband leave your "Office" watching to do so. Justin, you are one of them for being so supportive through all that I went through today...And with that being said, I should also point out the bad people in this world--All the ones that couldn't help me today, regardless of your reasons! JK!!! But for seriously, though...God is GOOD...ALL the time!


Jenna Lea said...

really believe God is good after our flat today. Smoking lady appeared out of nowhere. :D
I hope your day goes better tomorrow. I'm sry it didn't go too great today. :(
You're really amazing to not punch those peoples faces in for not helping and being patient. MY HERO! :D
you and your family and mr.k and melissa are so awesome!

could you tell i have a short memory?
mr.k hahaha :D

John Schneck said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad day. You know you could have called me and I would have been there - in about 12 hours! Thanks to Mark for being the hero. I love you and am proud of you and Justin. Thanks for being such a great daughter, wife, and mother to my granddaughter. Hang in there...

Melanie said...

Wow, you had a bad Friday, too!! My quality rate at work was not so great, so I slowed down, but before any of that work was checked I got back a quality review that was less than stellar. I wasn't happy, but stayed rather well composed. So, I look at the errors, and one of them looks just fine, which it should have been, but apparently they changed the data entry rule for dashes in addresses. Sigh... nice of them to tell me. I about lost it. But some Mae tunes, and The Fold pretty much helped. I mean when the day is going bad, and Brink of Disaster comes on, it's hard to stay too down. It was too perfect.

A flat tire 30 miles from home definitely is NOT a good thing. I have a Chevron roadside help type thing that I have for that reason. I'm not sure what they do for flat tires. I should check.

Anyway, congrats for thinking it through even if you felt like crying. I know how hard that is.
And, there are definitely some good people out there. The bad ones kinda ruin it, but the good ones are worth more than all the gold in the world.


P.S. You know, every time your dad makes a comment on your blog or Jon's blog, I'm impressed. :) Everyone should be so loved. :)