Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Prophet of New

So it's been a while since I've blogged...I've been reminded of that. I wish I could say that I haven't posted anything new because I have been busy changing the world. Unfortunately, I haven't done anything of the sort. The last weeks have been filled with more loss and bad news than I care to think of. I have been working hard to find scholarships to apply for to cover that last $1700.00 my school wants from me. I've re-conjured up my love of kickboxing...and I've fallen in love with a new show. I regularly watch shows like General Hospital and American Idol, but I don't have much time for getting wrapped up in any new dramas. However, thanks to the lovely writer's strike, and my husband who thought he would record the series, I am smitten. I just started watching Eli Stone a couple weeks ago...We had all of the episodes stored away on our DVR. I came close to deleting them plenty of times, but in the midst of Justin's month-long illness we decided to watch one...and then we watched the second...and then the third. And we are hooked. I know I'm silly for getting so excited about a tv show...but come on! What's not to like about Eli Stone? Besides the fact that he was once married to Angelina, but I can forgive him for that :) When I saw the previews for this new series I scoffed at the idea of some lawyer dude having visions of George Michael...but it's so much more than that. It's about Eli trying to do good and possibly foreseeing the future, and using that to benefit people. It's funny, sad, and clever all at the same time. I can hear Justin saying "Poor guy" every time Eli has one of his "episodes"...It's just an amazing show. Did I mention one of my all-time favorite actors, Tom Cavanagh, plays his deceased dad? Well, he does! I highly recommend that everyone watches at least one episode of Eli Stone. And for all of you Lost-obsessed people, it conveniently comes on right after your show. In other Portas family news, I start my pre-reqs for Nursing school in April sometime. I was supposed to start on St. Paddy's day, but apparently thanks to scheduling issues, I get to wait another 4 weeks. It's ok, it is actually better for us that way. Justin is about to take his test to make 3rd class...for those of you who are non-military, he will be a petty officer and make more money. That about sums it up :) Alana, well, she is growing like a weed and now I have to go so we can get ready for her Magical Kingdom ballet class this morning...


Jenna Lea said...

MAGICAL KINGDOM BALLET CLASS! that sounds awesome.
I need to watch a full episode of Eli Stone. haha
I watched a small part where he was in a court room and it turned into a lot of people singing and clapping. bahaha, i thought it was funny.
I'll be praying about your school stuff, and the last week :D
You're AMAZING and i'm super excited you had another blog post :)

Anonymous said...

I know who Eli Manning is, but who is this Eli Stone guy??? Glad things are happening at the Portas hacienda. Buenas Tarde...

Melanie said...

I just wrote out this really nice long response, and it didn't work. Sigh... I am sorry to hear about all of the bad news and the loss. We've had our share of that here as well, though not as bad as some. It seems like it's been a crazy year all around.

I am glad you posted because I was wondering how the nursing school process was going and if you had started school yet. I will say a prayer for Justin and his test. Sometimes I do wonder how God could listen to my prayers, but he sometimes does. I think it's called Grace.

As for American Idol, it's one of the only shows I see regularly.. sort of. I'm really out of the loop on tv. I've never seen Lost or Eli Stone. LOL I work nights so I'm woefully behind on American Idol. There's a guy from UT doing well, though. I just watched all the top 24 performances, so I'm on the top 20 now.

Anyway, I hope these 4 weeks give you the time you need to prepare and all things will be in God's perfect time for you (as they always seem to work out here.)

Hug Alana for me. They grow up so very fast always.

God's blessings, Melanie