Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Smarty Pants

That's what Aunt Tina calls me now.  I got a 98 on my first chemistry exam, which was the highest grade in my class.  (Not that I'm bragging or anything)...but I AM celebrating!  It's very important that I get the best grade possible in my pre-nursing classes, because they only accept 30 people into the actual nursing program each go-round.  

For those of you confused about Alana being in school...she's not.  She will not start preschool until September, when I start my nursing classes during the day.  Right now, I am taking my pre-requisite classes at night...and Justin is watching her.  Just wanted to clear that up, because a lot of people have asked me how she is doing in school...

Today I have spent much of the day looking for and researching cars...It gives me a headache just thinking about it :)  Ahhhhh....and then there's my shoulder.  I can't move my left arm above the elbow because my shoulder hurts so bad...I think it's from carrying my chemistry book, and I'm not kidding...But life is good so I shall not complain anymore!


Jenna Lea said...

I had my science test today but i think i got a little lower than a 98 :)
I hope your shoulder feels better and that you fing an amazing car!! :D

John Schneck said...

Drink some pickle juice...best thing for your shoulder! I am proud of you and I love you...

Melanie said...

Well, not sure pickle juice will help with your shoulder, but it will probably make you laugh (or pucker or something.) LOL

Congrats on the score!!!!

I don't envy you car shopping. I hope I don't have to for a while since mine is finally almost paid off. LOL

sjaarnaeh said...

Yay For Good Grades! I Hope You Shoulder Feels Better! People Dont Get How Heavy Those Books Can Be Sometimes :)