Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This One's For You, Jess

I really wanted to post my American Idol critique here last night while it was fresh in my head. Unfortunately for me, I had a bit of a distraction. I will give you a hint...It was little and gray, and ran across the room giving me something just short of a coronary. Yup, you guessed right. Another mouse! I am almost positive that this is thanks to leaving our door open while we videotaped parts of Justin's video. We had the screen door closed, but those pests can get in through anything. Alana informed me that we need to "put a towel down outside the door when we leave". Wow, where she comes up with this stuff I may never know! Justin had duty last night, so I was here alone with a broom in hand, standing like a statue...waiting for the sucker to come out from behind my treadmill so I could give it a good whack. It's so funny, because even if I WAS quick enough to whack it, what in the world would I have done with it? It would have given any of you a good laugh to see me, though.

So on to the good stuff...
Where to begin? I guess I'll start with the let downs of the night. Ramiele. Why are you still here? And why do you always wear those high-waisted shorts? You are like 4 feet tall! (I can say this, because I am not much taller). I don't know much, but I do know that short people and high-waists don't go well together. And to top it off, her singing was just so-so. Jason Castro...You are a beautiful boy, but I'm becoming rather bored. Kristy Lee. Why did this week have to be country? She did alright with the song, but she still has the nails (no offense to anyone of my readers who might have the talons that are painted like a french manicure, only with red tips). Not a fan, but you already know that. I'll go for the highlights now. I must say that David Archuleta won his way back into my heart last night. He's back! And it seems as though someone took my advice and gave him a tube of chapstick...Or who knows, maybe David himself read my blog and stopped with the lip-licking madness :) I thought Carly did a good job...she has an amazing voice. Simon, the fashionista, had to rag on her style though. What the heck? Those comments should've been used for two females previously mentioned. David Cook...still growing increasingly fond of him. And hello?! He got his hairs cut for real this week! Yay! I hear he had to be rushed to the hospital after the show, so I hope he has a full and speedy recovery. The only other person I'm going to mention (this time) is Michael Johns. Typically I am indifferent when it comes to him. I think he's a great singer, but I'm not usually entirely moved by his performances. Last night, I realized that he is still very much in the competition. Sometimes I think he is channeling Jim Morrison or something. I actually dug his Dolly song. But who am I to judge? I am not a musician. I am not a singer. I am not even a stylist! All I am is a chick with no night life...that sits and watches American Idol and pretends to be the fourth judge. It WOULD be nice if I got paid for it :) Tonight should be interesting. There are really only two people I'd like to see go at this point...Ramiele and Kristy Lee. Unfortunately, I know the latter will probably be in the final two. Why, America? Why? Thoughts? Who is it going to be?


Jenna Lea said...

and i agree with you about mr. castro. i'm a huge fan but he's the same every stinkin' week! I love David Cook! He should win becuase i said so. haha.
I couldn't watch it last night! :(
and i can't watch tonight! :(

Melanie said...

I never get to watch. I'm still no further. They are all still sitting on my dvr. Maybe if I wasn't so busy working and going to shows, I'd be caught up by now. LOL

Tuesday I saw A Fine Frenzy. She has an amazing voice and she is adorable and sweet. :)

But I think I would have paid to see a video of you and the mouse. It's probably no more amusing than watching my husband trying to nail a rat in similar fashion years ago. That was pretty unnerving as well. We chased that thing all over. My husband had the bb gun out. LOL We ended up using an old fashion mouse/rat trap with peanut butter and dog food for a lure.
Is your dryer vent covered? Sometimes that is an entry point.