Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Heart George Dubya

I will talk about God and religion all day, but I tend to steer clear of getting too deep into politics...For more reasons than one.  Most of the time it's over my head.  I don't know a lot about government and the goings on in the world (because I've heard ignorance is bliss), but I do know that Mr. President is also my husband's Mr. Bossman, whom might I add I waited in a long line to vote for!  The point is, George W. gets a lot of crap (pardon my french) for everything from the way he talks to the way he is handling the situation overseas.  I would like to think that anyone in his position would realize what a difficult one it is...SO all that being said :)  I went to my financial aid appointment before class last night, and much to my surprise my counselor told me she had good news.  This is typically unexpected!  She continued to tell me that George W. approved a bill increasing the amount of federal student loans allowed each year.  Maybe this means squat to you, but for me it means I no longer have a "shortfall" of $3100 that I have to come up with between now and September!  WOOHOO!  We're all clear for takeoff.  Oh, and I got a 92 on Exam 3...ONE point again :)  But hey, I shall not complain!  

I'm off to start an early day!  SUPER early!  I hope to be back later on to blog with more exciting news :)


Jenna Lea said...

I love George W too!!! :D
good job on your exam!
92. woohoo

i think i might know why you would get up so early and have exciting news. :)

Melanie said...

So glad it's all working out for you. I like some things George W has done and not others. I'm having a hard time focusing on politics much this year. It's also hard for me to get excited about anyone.

I can get excited about your test scores, though. Nice job!! :)

Denise Schneck said...

I heart George, too! I'm in love with the man!!!