Monday, July 28, 2008


My new favorite picture of the loves of my life
 (having fun at our church military family bbq/pool party yesterday)
There's not much I love more than a day that I accomplish everything that I set out to do--and more!  Today has been one of those days.  It's been a busy day!  Justin was home for a few days (Thursday-Sunday) and then left before 4 a.m. today to go back to the Ike-a-traz, where he'll be floating around for the next 10 days or so...I had a "list" of things to do today, and while I won't bore you with the details of all of it--I thought I'd share a picture post of my accomplishments :)  In no particular order...

I weed-eated our backyard...Trust me this was much needed!
"Poor man copyrighted" a copy of the finished cd by The Conspiracy Of.
Mailed this huge box and got it out of my entry way.
Blew kisses to Justin via email.
How much sweeter can a little girl get?
Ok, so it may not seem like much in pictures...but some stuff (like making appointments for Alana's school physical, etc) can't be captured on film!  Throw in some studying for a Word test tomorrow and opening an account at the House of Video and you have a full day.  HAHAHA!

Peace, Love and check out my donation button. XO


Jenna Lea said...

goodness! that picture is so cute!!! :D
and it looks and sounds like you got a lot done... i love those days too :) haven't had one in awhile though :\

and i will sure send a "love offering" :D

Melanie said...

Ah... the photo with Alana and Justin is priceless! The photo is adorable, and your backyard looks great. Accomplishing that alone would have made my day. LOL I love days like that- productive days. :)

I will probably donate something, but it might take me a couple of days to sort through everything and figure it out.

Chloe Ann said...

Hi Allison..have been enjoying your blog and finally figuring out how to let you know.
Also your Mom is wise re:"be still". I have a poem I wrote about that...will try to locate it & send it to you.
love to all, Grm. Dill