Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ted, White and Blue.

"Who the heck is Ted Nugent?"  That's what I clearly remember asking Jonathan, when he excitedly told me he'd met him upon first moving to Nashville. not only do I know who 'The Nuge' is, but I also stumbled upon an interview he did with Glenn Beck last night.  (I was really watching to see Sarah Palin!)  Anyveeps, he was on there promoting his new book.  Dude is crazy!  But the one thing he said that struck a chord with me was how our nation has developed an entitlement attitude.  How right he is.  Instead of asking what we can do for our country, too many Americans are choosing their political candidates by what they can do for us.  They don't care how much passion the candidates truly have for our country.  They care how much they are driven to make life easier for them.  They don't want to work hard or do anything to earn their rights as citizens.  They simply think they are owed the world.  I think as christians sometimes we do the same thing.  We ask why God allows things to happen to us...we want to know why God hasn't given us more--when the real question should be "What are we doing to serve Him?"  I never thought I would have a revelation at 4 a.m. from listening to a guy that gets off on smelling the blood of animals :)  God works in mysterious ways, haha.

Do YOUR part.  Don't wait and see what will be done for you.

Peace, Love, and No I Can't! :)


Anonymous said...

Bless you & your early a.m. revelations!! You certainly gleaned some real tho'ts to ponder on that one. You are so right about the entitlement mania this country has ..Also, I'm sorry to say,you are right about Christians being willing to SERVE our Lord.
If only everyone could have their own little "epiphany" on that subject!
You are a very wise young woman and I feel confident you instill much of your strength into your darling daughter...she is so fortunate!
My grandson saw something wonderful in you and I am so happy that he joined with you to create a beautiful great-grandaughter for me. I only wish we lived near enough to have personal contact.
Keep on sharing your views.....who knows...maybe you will run for office some day. You can bet your bottom dollar I would vote for you!!I am , by the way delighted in our "veep" selection.
Take care..xoxox's for all

Jenna Lea said...

that's grand. :)
vote people! vote!

Melanie said...

It's funny, but I was just thinking about the whole entitlement thing myself lately. I guess I hadn't put it into context of our relationship to God, although in some ways I've thought of that, just not as "entitlement" thinking. It really is, though. Thanks for sharing that one. :)

Todd said...

"My Guitar will Never gently weap."
-Ted Nugent aka Uncle Ted