Sunday, August 31, 2008

Slow News Day...

Ok, so there's not too much going on today in the land of Portas. I have tried unsuccessfully for the past three days to get our Camry inspected, as it expires on um TODAY...So looks like the Beetle is going to be our main source of transportation until that happens. And of course, tomorrow is a holiday. In between my trips to the safety inspection center today, I went to Walgreens and got this rad stuff my mom told me about (it doesn't take much to impress me) to put on my nails. I like to call it the poor-man's manicure...or the ghetto fabulous french tips. Whatever floats your boat. I think my short stubby nails turned out looking quite grand for 2.99 haha.
The other news I have forgotten to report about, but that is VERY exciting to me, is the new flip flops I got when the 'rents were here. They are exactly like the ones I had for 5 years--minus the love and break-in that were instilled. The thing is, they never go on sale. They are $40 Reefs. I got them for $15.00. Oh yeah, thank you Dillards.

This concludes my boring post of the day. It's a day of rest people. Cut me some slack!

Oh, there was one exciting thing...Alana and I are going to FL soon!!! Woohoo!

Peace, Love and Sunglasses inside rock.


Jenna Lea said...

nice :)

Melanie said...

I need to find a good pair of beach style flip flops. My sister is getting married on Nov. 1 at the beach in Florida, so I guess I am going soon as well. I've never been there. Hope you are able to have a good time.

The nails look good. :)
