Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Justin taught Alana a new game tonight...Have you ever seen someone get so excited over such a silly little game?  Take notes, Grammy.
Peace, Love and Rochambeau


Denise Schneck said...

It's not nice to make fun of old people.

Anonymous said...

Thats really cute!

jon schneck said...

looks like the game is just called rock to alana :)... you should teach her bear hunter ranger... stand back to back and you have to jump and turn around on three and pose your choice. ranger gets the hunter, hunter gets the bear, bear gets the ranger...

fun times.


Melanie said...

That's cute. I once taught a friend's daughter 5 Little Monkeys. She was pretty excited about it. I think they hated me after that. ;)

Hmmm... I think Jon needs to do a video demo of that game. LOL