Monday, October 20, 2008

The Verdict is In...

I'm guilty on all counts. There's no need for me to hire a lawyer and chance this being taken to the grand jury or even the Supreme Court. The truth is, I will admit to all the fact, I will even present you with evidence to further sink my chances of getting off easy. Actually, I am not going to take full blame...I am going to bring Angie down with me. Because quite frankly, she is responsible for BOTH of these things which have ultimately imprisoned me.

I now present you with exhibit #1.
For the love of television! One Tree Hill! Where have you been all my life? I am holding Season 1, but will soon be trading it in for number 2. I have watched this entire season, *clears throat* all 22 episodes of it, since Friday night. If you notice dark circles and/or bags under my eyes...this is why. I give up one show to take on another. Angie is borderline obsessed with this show...I finally gave in and agreed to watch it thinking that a) I wouldn't like it that much and would stop watching it as soon as I started and b) that it was on like the 3rd season. WRONG! It is now on season what can I say? I have a lot of catching up to do...

And now on to exhibit #2.
Ok, so who knew ice cream could get any better? Then the people at Edy's go and mix in my favorite girl scout cookies into it...The only saving grace here is the fact that it's "light"...thank goodness it has 1/2 the fat because it's so delish that I want to eat twice as much! Can't you see the desperation in Alana as she tries to make me stop? She's like...Mommy, step away from the Samoas...

And last but certainly not least...Exhibit #3
I'm guilty of loving this little girl more than any television series or ice cream flavor. The first of those says little, but man...saying I love her more than that Samoa ice cream...that's a statement! All kidding aside, I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more beautiful daughter. I am so thankful to have her in my life, and even more so to Justin for making it possible :)

Peace, Love and Nancy Grace


Anonymous said...

HAHA I LOVE IT! I just bought more of that Ice Cream today...gosh its just toooo good to walk past it in the its screaming at me to buy it!!! Season 2 is on its way...we will see if you can break some more records watching this one! I 100% agree alana is the sweetiest little girl ever!!

Melanie said...

I'm off dairy, but Samoas sounds delicious. I can really eat a ton of Dreyer's Peach Sorbet, though. It's getting impossible to find anymore, though. It has no fat, but way too many carbs. LOL

I've yet to see One Tree Hill. Not sure I should if it's that addictive. LOL

And Alana is definitely a cutie. I love reading all the things she says that you post.

Jenna Lea said...

My friend is addicted to one tree hill and would always bring them to volleyball practice to trade seasons with the coach. hahaha :)

yummy! I love ice cream! I should try some of that. it's a good thing it's low fat or whatever because i've gained like 30lbs in the last month. Not good :\ Bring on the ice cream!

and alana is so cute!!! :D and i was going to say what mrs. melanie said, but ummm, i guess i shouldn't since she already said it. :)