Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back to Reality

Thanksgiving weekend is over, and now it's time for reality to set back in. My mom flew home bright and early this morning (like before the sun came up). Alana woke up to find her Grammy gone, and that brought on the waterworks. It's always nice to have her here, but it's always insanely difficult to see her go. It's sad enough for me, but when I see Alana's little lip quivering...forget it! We braved Black Friday--well, sort of. No waking up at 4 a.m. or anything, even though Angie tried! Apparently all that tryptophan hadn't worn off yet and I slept right through her text message. By the time we got to Target, the 2 things I had wanted to buy were no longer there...but no big deal. It was a fun time spent with my mom and Alana. We pretty much decided that Thanksgiving had not really seemed like Thanksgiving at all, because let's face's all about the food and the traditions. We enjoyed our time aboard the Ike, but we wanted to eat the staples. For me, it was the green bean casserole. So my mom made us a pork roast (we'd had our fair share of turkey already) along with all the fixins. Saturday we just kinda took it easy. I said it before, but I am really thankful for my life and everything that it is. Now I need to catch up on some sleep...I did, after all, wake up at 5 a.m. to drive my mom to the airport. Wahhhhh :)

Peace, Love and Weekend Reviews

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I didn't venture out on Black Friday at all. I looked at all of the ad's but decided there wasn't really anything I wanted badly enough. There really just weren't as many insanely good deals this year, although there were 3 or 4. Wal Mart had something I was considering, but I'm not going there. BTW, did you know you can order some of Wal Mart's sale items online? It saves one from being trampled. LOL

Some visits just always seem to short. I hope your mom had a good flight home. :)