Saturday, November 15, 2008

My First "Check"

I am happy to be able to finally post these, because it means that Justin is home. He's been home for about 10 minutes...but he's showering and then it will be camp-out time with Alana. This is a tradition. So I can steal away a few minutes to post a blog about what I've been doing while he's been gone--other than caring for a sick child and trying to keep myself well. On my "list" I wrote that I wanted to clean out our spare room (aka Daddy's room). It was SO full of clutter on a ridiculous level. There were boxes in there that were still in there unpacked from when we moved in August of last year! It is an extra room, no one lives in there...but what's the point of having wasted space. Plus, I watched Oprah the other day and she said that if your house is cluttered, so will your life be...or something like that :) I also decided to add some color to our room. Justin often says that we need some color in our house...not sure this is exactly what he had in mind, but he loves it and said it makes the room so peaceful. So here it is!

The blue is actually darker than it looks here :)

Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often

That orb is throwing off the feng shui (or is it the tv, Mom?)

The spare room
(Trust me, there was no floor space on this whole wall or behind the chair!)

Spare Room from the other angle.
Ok, so I guess that's the first thing I get to check off my list! Woohoo! Now I'm going to go spend some time with my hubby and Alana. We have to take advantage of the day and a half we have together...Tonight, we are going to eat at Friday's with the McKinneys for a "going away" dinner for Andrea :(

I almost forgot, but I fixed our bed, too!!! We've been dealing with a flimsy frame for about a year now, and all it took for me to fix it was about 30 cents worth of nuts and bolts from Lowe's. Gotta love it!

Peace, Love and Renovations


Melanie said...

Wow, can you come over and do mine next? LOL The room looks great!!

Guess I should start on this computer room. A match might do the trick. LOL

Glad Justin made it home! :)

Jenna Lea said...

That's so clean!
You do not want to see our spare room :\ haha
yea, but that room looks great and i wish i could be that amazing and clean our spare room like that.