Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Putting it Back Together

Alana got her hair cut today...But that's not really what this post is about :) You can't really see it, but Alana is wearing a necklace in this picture...I'm not sure who gave it to her (and neither is she)...she just knows that today it's her favorite piece of jewelry. Somewhere between video-chatting with the Millers and going to take movies back, it broke...and when I say broke, I mean beads and more beads everywhere. I quickly said, "It's ok, it's ok" and she was quick in replying back with "NO IT'S NOT!!!"

Flashback to Sunday morning at church. I've missed 2 services, because I was either in KidLife changing diapers or in the ER trying to keep my child sane. This week I was extremely happy to be able to go and worship. Pastor Fred used this illustration about one of his kids breaking a coffee mug that was special, and I remembered today what he told him. He told them he could fix it...he is the father that puts the pieces back together.

And just like that, Alana and I collected every last one of the beads...the pink ones AND the shiny silver ones. I threaded each one back on, one at a time...counting them so that they were in the correct pattern. Six pink, one silver, Seven pink, one silver, Six pink, and so on...It was tricky but I managed to get them all back on. I had to leave a few off so I could tie it again, and even that proved itself quite difficult. When I was done, I looked up and saw the smile on Alana's face, where there had so recently been tears. I told her that if she broke it again I wouldn't fix it, but who am I kidding--we know I would. That's what moms do!

It's funny, because had Pastor Fred not used that illustration on Sunday I might have just called it a loss and thrown the beads in the trash. But instead as I patiently (ok, semi-patiently) put each bead back onto the string, I thought of how patient God must be. I just have one child. He has so many...and He is constantly having to put our pieces back together...one by one...How amazing is that?! When life gets us down, we can rest assured that God knows how to get things back the way they should be...and He can do it without leaving off anything!

Peace, Love and Sermon notes


Anonymous said...

Oh, Allison, that was a beautiful illustration!You really should think about "doing" the children's sermon if you have that at your church> Sometimes you just amaze me with your depth...at your age not many have the insights that you do...I'm glad Justin found you and had the good sense to marry you.....I look forward to seeing you at Christmas time.
And that smile on Alana's face made it definitely worth the trouble didn't it?
Blessings to all xoxoox

Melanie said...

I'm glad both you and God know how to fix things, and especially glad that God can fix things without leaving anything out... although sometimes I probably need to have a few things left out?

Glad the necklace was fixed almost as good as new.

Very nice illustration. :) I'm sure Alana won't soon forget it.

Anonymous said...

She looks great with her new hair cut!!! :)

Jenna Lea said...

i love it when you get to practice what was preached ;) Way to be patient! :)

oh yes, and that was oh so much fun video-chatting!