Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Randomness at it's Best

Sorry for my lack of posts lately...Not that I haven't been posting, but just not as regularly as I once was :) I'm sure there is no love lost or anything like that! So the holiday season is officially upon us! My mom will be flying into Norfolk first thing in the morning so we can get our Thanksgiving on...or something like that. Last night, while I was putting up our tree (yes, Lindsay I did it--while listening to RK's Christmas album haha), Chris Bradford came over and brought little Macie...whom I might add is not so little anymore.

Macie and Alana
Now you might be wondering why Alana is holding her...or better yet, why she is giving me this borderline evil look. Well, the truth is that she would not come near me haha. I must give off bad vibes or something. As soon as Chris handed her to me, she started bawling. I thought there must be something wrong with this kid to choose Chris over me...but then again, I guess he IS her daddy. Then Justin got home, and just as I had suspected...Macie went right to him with no problem. Chris tried to get her to go to me again and guess what? Yep, she flipped out. Apparently, she forgot about the time I went and stayed with her and she didn't cry at all...Now that she's "older" I guess she has decided to form her own opinion about me. And it's not a good one.

I tried to get some pictures of Alana with our Charlie Brown Christmas tree, but these are what I got...The tree was without the candy canes and icicles anyway. I'm sure there will be more pictures of that to come!

For those of you going out of town this week for Turkey day, be safe! Everyone be thankful for what God has given you...even if it is a knack for making babies scream!

Peace, Love and HUGE Complexes


Jenna Lea said...

my cousin hated men when he was a baby.
thanksgiving was horrible! whenever he saw my dad he would scream and cry. I'm glad he's older now... kinda :)

Melanie said...

After about 6 months old, they can get a bit picky about who holds them, develop a fear of strangers, etc. Who knows? Maybe Justin reminds her of someone and you don't (if she was much younger when you saw her last.) I'm sure it won't last whatever the reason. It sure makes you feel "special" though, doesn't it? Yikes! My niece used to cry when anyone but her mom held her, except she loved her aunt Stephanie.

Oh, on an unrelated note, sort of, I was reading the Alana quotes and love the one about racing cars for Christmas. Get out the snow plows, it's time for the Christmas car race! Could be fun. We can play slip sliding away. Or, I suppose you could race them if FL? :) I should stop responding to posts late after work. I get loopy.