Wednesday, November 5, 2008

There are No Words

I've been struggling with what to write or whether to even write at all regarding yesterday's election. You know the old saying, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all"? While I smile at the great strides that the United States has made in electing our first African American president...I cry on the inside because of what he stands for (or doesn't). I am fearful of what this means for our future, especially when it comes to the military. I have family and friends who voted for Obama, and while I respect their right to vote for who they choose, I really hope that their decisions bring more than regret. There is no doubt our country is about to experience change. I just pray with every ounce of my being that the change is for the better. One thing brings me peace and that is knowing Who my Master is...and no election can change that!

Peace, Love and Hope xo


Jenna Lea said...

yes ma'am.
we just have to remember Romans 13.

Anonymous said...

you have chosen very good words...It really is difficult to believe that so MANY just seemed to ignore what he does & does NOT believe is not the time for us to stop praying...only now we must pray FOR him...for God's guidance for won't be easy but I do believe it will be important to surround him AND that entire democratic system with GOD"S wisdom...and as you put it so well...never forget who is REALLY in charge!!

Denise Schneck said...

Well said. I couldn't agree with you more!