Saturday, January 3, 2009

Reso-mah-lutions for 2009?

We all make them...well, most of us. We all break least I do :) I can honestly say some years I've even made a resolution to not make resolutions. I guess my goal this year is to at least work toward the resolution, even if I don't master it in 2009! Here are some of mine, in no particular order. Feel free to hold me to them, please :)

-Lose all the weight that I added to my 5 feet 2 inches in 2008...and some!
-Do everything in my power to complete the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon with my mom :)
-Read my Bible cover to cover (we are doing this with the help of our church)
-Take advantage of my time with Alana before she starts school in the fall!
-Find the good in Justin being gone on deployment (hard!) by being productive and visiting family

There's so many more things I want to accomplish but these are the big ones...

I hope all of you are having a happy and blessed 2009 so far!

Peace, Love and Commitment


Melanie said...

Those are all good resolutions. I think I am procrastinating. ;) I don't really think I've made any firm resoltions for New Year's specifically. I do think if I make one, though, it will be to listen to the New Testament on the way to and from work once I am called back. I did that once before with my church for a summer. I have the New Testament on cd, and I alternated between the NT and music. It was fun to hear it because I picked up on some things I missed when reading. I've been wanting to do that again. Oh, and I'm a bit determined to keep plugging away a little everyday on the mess that is the computer room. :)

Anyway, I have every confidence that you will use the time with Alana and family. You seem to be good with visiting family. I wish I could do that more sometimes, especially my in laws.

Hey, I have a friend who's husband was deployed. I think she might even be near you somewhere. Just happened to think of that.

Anyway, my 2009 is off to a strange start. We'll see where it ends up.

Anonymous said...

happy new year!!!! i hope you make all of them in this new year!!! I have made some too and I hope i can do it too!!!
How is everything going? how was christmas?
take care!!!!

Jenna Lea said...

Goodness, those are some good resolutions.
Yea, I didn't really make any... but then again I kinda did. I mean, I didn't really think about it or write it down, I'm just doing it. haha :)

I'm sure you'll do amazing on these resolutions and accomplish them all!:D :D