Tuesday, May 19, 2009

300th post...

I thought my 300th post would've happened a long time ago...but I've been slacking since I got to Nashville. What better way to celebrate 300 than new shoes? Alana got some new ones today. She needed some tennis shoes to wear to the gym, now that the weather is warm and they are shuffling the kids outside all day :) Those wood chips don't do well with crocs and flip-flops. Anyways...here they are. Cute as a button. (Alana AND her new shoes)

She's such a poser :)

Her 2nd pair of pink converse!

Peace, Love and One-Stars


Jessica said...

Of course they'd be super cool pink converse shoes! Haha! I want some!

Allison said...

Gotta love Target :)

Melanie said...

Love Alana's new shoes. They're very stylish and girly. :)

Amy said...

So cute! Kaci has a pair just like them! :)