Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Little Fish

Alana had her very first swimming lesson today! I, being the amazing mother that I am, left my camera in the car...but I had my Blackberry! Here are the few pictures I managed to get...

Waiting for swimming lessons to start

Ring-around-the Rosies with Ms. Morgan

Waiting her turn to swim (with her floaty backpack on)

Demonstrating her skills.
I admit, I was super nervous about how today would go...Anyone who knows Alana, knows she has those uber-sensitive moments. She did amazing! Her teacher even asked me after class if it was her first swimming lesson, and when I said "yes" she told me how great she did for it being her first one! We want Alana to get accustomed to being in the water...we do, after all, live at the beach--and hope to make it back to FL soon.

On a completely different note, I am feeling MUCH better than I did yesterday (and even this morning)...I was glad that I didn't have to sit out her first swimming lesson...

Peace, Love and Watch out Mr. Phelps!


Jessica said...

Yay! She's gona be like a super olympian one day...a gymnast, a swimmer, everything! Can't wait for yall to get to FL! Love ya! Miss ya!

Melanie said...

I am really very glad to hear that you are feeling better. :)

Glad the swimming lesson went well. I've always loved swimming. I wish I had more opportunities to swim. Pretty soon you won't be able to drag Alana out of the pool. LOL