Friday, July 24, 2009

Whole Lotta Catching Up!

I know I have been neglecting my blog for the past bit, but things have been crazy busy in my world! We are back in Norfolk and I have been getting so much done! My internet is finally back up and running, so I could upload some pictures and blog again. Justin will be home in less than a week and Alana and I couldn't be more excited! We miss Grammy and TN, but gosh it's good to be home! Alana has been the most perfect angel since we got home, too...I don't know, maybe she left her grumpy butt at my mom's. I am not complaining, though! She's been amazing!

Before we left, Alana had a dress-up/birthday party to go to. It was for her best little friend (and Grammy's neighbor), Caitlyn! She was so excited to go, but mostly to dress up! She wanted to go as "Fancy Nancy"...I think she looked soooo adorable! See for yourself...

Such a poser haha!

Yes, it took forever to get the curls in her hair...
But she was super patient!

Got Caitlyn's present ready to go!

Caitlyn, Elizabeth and Alana

I always say that I hate Virginia, but I have really changed my mind :) We've been to the pool and the beach in the past few days, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. We went to the beach at the end of our street on Wednesday, and I sat there for two hours...I kept thinking to myself that I could honestly sit there forever. Just wished Justin was there, too!


Playing with the sand

We made a sand with me :)
We also made a Spongebob and Patrick, but I didn't bother wasting my pictures on that!


I have been running around like a crazy woman trying to get this house in order and things organized before Justin's homecoming. I haven't had a chance to clean Cupid's bowl since we got back from TN. Well, I decided to do it this morning, and while I was washing it I somehow broke it. Yeah, that's shattered everywhere in the sink. What a way to start my day :) We went to Walmart to buy a new bowl for him and came home with a friend (or foe) too! Meet the newest addition to the Portas family, Violet. You can't tell so much from the picture but he is SUPER bright and pretty! This is a special double betta tank, so they can't get to each other...there is a shield that blocks them from seeing each other, but you can take it out and they can see each other and fan out their tails,'s kind of mean to do that if you ask me--but I did it haha. I think Cupid is mad at me.

Violet and Cupid!
I'm off to get Alana bathed and ready for bed...She has transitioned back SO well! Sleeping in her bed like a big girl, not giving me any hassles. Hope it sticks when Daddy gets home! So excited that tomorrow is church! I've missed TCLC!!!

OH and before I forget AGAIN...Judy is home in Cedar Key and doing well. Continue praying for her as she relearns to balance/walk without her big toe...and also for her pain management!

Peace, Love and Updates


Denise Schneck said...

I miss you and Alana so much--I'm so happy that you are home, safe and most of all, happy!!! xo Mom

Chloe Ann Dill said...

Happy to hear from you again...thanks for the darling pix..she really IS adorable!!Glad for the Judy update...if she has an email address would you please send it to me ?
I feel your excitement about the will be so good to be together again I'm sure.
Love xoxo Grm D

Jenna Lea said...

Your daughter is so stinkin' adorable.
I want a fish.
Oh! And Woohoo for Mr. P's homecoming!!!!! :) so, so exciting.

Still praying... (:

Melanie said...

The photos are awesome. The dress up party was a pretty good idea. I bet the girls had a blast. :)

The beach day sounds wonderful. Cool pics there, too. I agree that Alana is adorable. :)

Tell Justin I said "Welcome Home." So excited for you.

Glad to hear Judy is home and will pray that she continues to heal and adjust.