I know, I know...It has been WAY too long since I last posted. In fact, it's been a month today! I am going to just make this into a mass post, probably all clumped together and confusing...kind of like my life the past month haha. No, life has been great! Life has also been busy, and we are getting used to our new routines. Alana has been more than amazing at school! She loves going every day. While most of us can't wait til Friday, Alana can't wait til Monday! She counts down the days til she gets to go back to school when it's the weekend. That makes life so much easier for me!
On her second day of school, we got this amazing cookie bouquet delivered to our doorstep! It was from none other than Grammy! She knows how to make us smile! I can't get over how cute these cookies were, and they tasted just as incredible...

Moving on...
Justin had an inspection last month, so he had to break down and actually BUY the new uniform. He doesn't have to wear this to work on a daily basis, so he has been putting it off for quite sometime. I just think he looks so cute so I thought I'd share...he will probably kill me later for this :)

Seriously is the BLUE camo supposed to make them blend in with the water?!

Next on my list of things I should've blogged about and didn't--Justin's birthday! My wonderful hubby turned 32 on the 17th. He actually had the day off, and Alana had an early-release day. Justin and I started off the day with a delicious breakfast at IHOP and then when we picked up Alana from school we continued our celebration. Alana and I sent Justin to "his room" upstairs and we made cupcakes.

Justin pretended like he didn't know what was going on ;)
Alana kept fibbing and telling him we were playing Mario World and he couldn't come downstairs because we didn't want him to see our secret tricks...

My favorites.

Kissy kissy

This is a typical Alana face...
She had just gotten a bath, so she had wet hair!

Alana took a picture of Daddy and Mommy

Self-portrait, we ALMOST got Alana's whole face in.
Justin's tongue took up too much :)

Alana got her haircut

Ok, so let me explain why I took so many pictures of Alana dressed for school. I love my child to death. I could not live without her. I could, however, do without her crazy restrictions on what she will and will not wear. She is quite stubborn and opinionated, but as I've learned in my Developmental Psychology class--she is also quite normal. She would only wear 2 skirts for the first few weeks of school...In a way, it was frustrating. In another way, I didn't care. It just made for lots of loads of laundry to make sure they were clean. Then, it got cold. I finally told Alana that she HAD to wear pants to school. It was amazing. She wore them without much of a fuss, and I took a picture for proof...
First day wearing jeans to school :)

Second day wearing pants...
And this days was even extra special because she wore those pink converse I bought her in Nashville...the ones she has not worn ONCE. She put up a fight and I told her she didn't have to wear them, that I didn't care...Then she said "Ok, I'll wear them!" Grrrr...

Silliness at it's best.

My own semester in school has been amazing as well. I am super excited about what the future holds for me. I feel like I am finally getting somewhere with my education. I am trying to make straight A's to get into a HIGHLY competitive program at my school...I'm talking only 15 people get in each year. So it's pretty demanding. That, and I have to learn things like this:

Justin was gone for a week this month, and hopefully he will be home for the rest of October before he has to go out for about a month...We miss him when he's gone. We also miss the rest of our family.
Alana ichatting with Grammy and Liam

Can you tell she was eating a brownie?
I took this and she said, "Mommy, I look like I don't have some of my teeth!"
Then I told her if she eats brownies and doesn't brush them, she won't!

Another success in the clothing department...These jeans we bought in Nashville about 4 months ago and she wouldn't even put them on. I told her they make her look tall...
Especially tall, when she's on her tippy toes!

My sweetness.

Alana is at school...Justin is at work...I am actually caught up on my own schoolwork. That's why I am blogging. I will soon return to my desk, where I spend the bulk of my time these days...I bought this one, and put it in the "dining" room so my butt didn't permanently indent the place I was sitting on the couch :)
Justin bought me this most comfortable chair, too!!!

I'm sorry that I have slacked on keeping everyone updated! I will do my best to post more regularly again. I am almost halfway through the semester, and Justin just got a new job in cargo. He works Monday through Friday, 7:30-he gets done...which is usually quite early. He is going to look at orders today, so I am kind of nervous. Please pray that God shows us what's next...
Peace, Love and Blogging Goulash.
LOVED your update, friend! Alana's precious and getting so tall! Excited to hear that things are going well for you & Justin and that you're enjoying school. Love and miss you!
Thank you..thank you for such a wonderful "fill-in" I was beginning to worry that you or one of you might have gotten the S/flu !!So happy to know all is well and see the great pix.
So proud of you & your schooling...I have NO doubt that you will make your goal !!!And what a great example for Alana!
Love to all,
Grm. Dill
So glad to see the pictures and you all are doing ok. Love to all of you Grandma JoAnn
I laughed out loud at the brownie picture!!! So cute...I miss you both so much. Thanks for updating. I enjoy it so much, and I miss it when you don't. xo Mom
I am trying to figure out how to do a "mass post" myself. I've been doing that a lot lately. Yours made plenty of sense, not sure about what I will say. LOL
That first pic of Justin in his uniform is awesome. :) Happy Birthday Justin!!
It's so cool that Alana loves school. And I have to agree about the cookies - the were indeed adorable. The big problem with such cute cookies is that I find it difficult to eat them.
I agree about Alana and the clothes issue being pretty normal. At least she wants to get dressed. At that age my son fought getting dressed tooth and nail. LOL Kids want to be able to have some control and make choices, and it's good for them. Giving them options help, even if they are limited. At least that's what I recall from school.
As for your studies, the scariest thing is not being stumped at all by the first word. LOL
I am amazed at how you keep things so together at home and at school. I am always impressed.
P.S. Glad my post wasn't a class assignment. Too many typos. LOL
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