Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's 2010 and JP's gone AGAIN!

This is my most amazing husband. He is not dressed like this for fun, nor is he planning for next year's Halloween costume. He is a sailor in the US Navy...and I love him!Pretty much everyone knows by now that Justin just left on his THIRD and final deployment this morning. I am sad, because he is my best friend and when he leaves half of my heart goes with him...however, I am also a lot of other things. I am PROUD. He is fighting for our country, and that means he is fighting for you. I am LUCKY. Justin would rather be home, but he is selflessly doing this for our family and our future. I am HAPPY that this is his last cruise...then he will be home with us every night thanks to a little thing called shore duty.

Even thought it was hard to ring in the new year knowing what was right around the corner, we managed to make the most of each moment we had together...One of Alana and Justin's favorite thing to do together (among many) is to wrestle. Our bed is the ring, and the pillows are their opponents. They join forces as "the PORTAS POSSE" and then decide to battle each other :) I took some pictures last night before he left of their final match of the season...

Alana's got him in a head lock lol

A knee to the chest!
Super GIRL!!!
(This can't end well lol)

And again!

Ok, time to hug it out



Alana took this picture of me and Justin.
What can I say it'd been a long day :)

Our futon was taken over by the piles of clothes and uniforms...
itchy sheets and such...

More stuff to take with him...

The seabag and boots by the door...
Always make it real.

I never ever ever ever ever go up to see the ship leave. It's just so sad. I feel like it's torture to drag it out very long. Justin and I have figured out how to keep our "see ya laters" short and sweet to save us both heartache. This morning, I woke up wanting to go up and see him off. He left last night about midnight. Angie and Jeremy were gonna go up there, so I asked if I could go along for the ride and drive the Beetle back. I'm glad we did...even though it was FREEEEEZING.
Alana getting ready to go see Daddy off!

Haha, Angie took this picture of me on one of my many SHORT trips out of the car!

They were getting ready to push off.

Turning the ship out of the pier.

Alana was wondering if she should brave the cold too...

We moved the car to another spot to get a view of the ship once it was away from the pier.

Angie again...from the WARM car!
Alana and I trying not to blow away but going down to the rocks.
Haha you can't even see my head :)

Alana trying to keep her hat on and wave goodbye to Justin at the same time :)

Bye Ike, you have my heart!
I used my new Flip video recorder to tape the ship pulling out. It was literally in the teens or below with the wind gusts down there. I'm not kidding when I say I could hardly stand up out there. So you have to bear with the sound of the wind and the shaking of the was too hard to hold the thing steady when I could barely stand up myself! The videos below are just random clips i recorded...they are actually in reverse order. Note: Alana can barely stand up lol.

All I know is that this next 6 months or so better go by fast! Continue to pray for our family as we are still awaiting orders...We don't know where "home" will be in the next year, but we do trust that we will be wherever God leads us. After all, He is the true Commander in Chief :)

And to Justin--I miss you already, baby...I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished. We will be ready and waiting when you get home to us! Your girls (and Scooter) love you!

Peace, Love and Lots of lonely nights to come :)


Debbie said...

so sorry!! I know how hard this must be and how LONG 6 months is when you are not with the one you love!! will keep you in my prayers...

Angie said...

I know it sucks girl...I just hope the time goes fast for you guys!!! Anytime you want to get away your ALWAYS welcome to come see us...PLEASE!!! LOL

Denise Schneck said...

Thanks for sharing this with heart aches for you. I know God is watching over you and Alana and Justin. xo

Grandma Dill said...

Thank you so much for sharing....The nice thing about that ship's return is that it will be nice and warm then!....till then you are all in our constant prayers...xo

Melanie said...

I think you and Justin are both pretty amazing. I love all of the pics. The "air shot" is spectacular. Alana's cap and scarf are adorable (and so is Alana, btw.)

I will be saying prayers for you all that this 6 months goes by safely and quickly.

Sarah Mertz said...

Will definitely keep you in our thoughts and prayers!

Grandma JoAnn said...

I Love the pictures . I am crying watching the ship go away I know that Justin love you and Alana very much and I love you all very much. I know God is looking over all of you.