Friday, September 7, 2007

Daddy's Little Avril

I am so lucky. I have a beautiful daughter and an amazing husband...and when he dressed Alana like this yesterday, I laughed. She is so punk rock meets school girl. Haha. I don't even know what that means. She looks cute, regardless. I have loved every minute (excluding the unpacking) of living in our new place. This has definitely been a God thing. Our apartment is great, and we are able to spend time with good friends--ones who couldn't bear to drive all the way to Newport News to visit! I've also relearned what it's like to have my husband home for more than an hour at a time. He asked me if that's a good thing or a bad thing :) I think it's fantabulous. The thing I miss most about NN is the friends I have there...Natalia, Marc and Melissa...I wish we were closer at times like these. Marc and Melissa have gotten not-so-good news about their new baby, Luke. But I know God is more powerful than any medicine or any doctor...So I will pray that He will make those doctors' jaws drop and scratch their heads when they do the next MRI in 6 months. And as sad as the news has made me, I am SO incredibly thankful that I have a beautiful, healthy daughter. Babies are a blessing...I feel like I want to say more here, but I am not going to :) On a similar but much different note, I am going to Nash Vegas next week! Justin will be out for a few weeks, and I am going to take advantage of the time to visit my mom and (of course) Jonathan and Lindsay...oh, and Scooter and Sadie. Alana is most excited about the latter! And now I'm going to scoot.


Jenna Lea said...

Awww she's so cute! Sounds like y'all are one HAPPY family! fantabulous!!! :D
Luke will def. be in my family's prayers, as well as his family. Have fun in Nashville!!!

sjaarnaeh said...

Alana Is Adorable! And its So Great That Justin Is Home More Often Now! I'll Be Praying For Luke And His Family...Have Fun Visiting!!! (I Think I Want To Meet Scooter And Sadie Too :])