Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Turn.

I decided to do this after reading Jon's 100 random things about while I was sitting at Burger King watching Alana play on the playground, not eating Chicken Fries and alternating dipping sauces, I came up with these...

I also found out that I am not very interesting :)

In no particular order...
1. The first concert I ever went to was New Kids on the Block
2. I played bass in a band with my brother in high school and was lovingly referred to as the "Bass Chick"
3. I have watched General Hospital since I was in 5th grade (sad, I know)
4. My parents almost named me Rebecca but didn't in fear of me being called "Becky Schnecky" (thank you both)
5. I used to run 5 miles a day...Now I can barely run 5 minutes
6. I played softball for the YMCA in middle school.
7. My dad is an Elvis impersonator!
8. I have a crooked arm.
9. I was a cheerleader in middle school--insert laughs here.
10. I am addicted to Coke, the soft drink.
11. I almost died giving birth to Alana.
12. I have never been to the West Coast.
13. My mom was my 1st and 2nd grade teacher (and I wasn't home-schooled)
14. I wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up.
15. I have a "celebrity" brother, thus those of you reading this.
16. I, too, have a slight, ok MAJOR obsession with celebrity gossip (or as Jon puts it "pop culture")
17. I started college at 17, and still have no degree.
18. I have broken 5 bones in my body, all at once.
19. I was a Merry Maid.
20. I love to play Yahtzee.
21. I LOVE to win at Yahtzee.
22. My favorite time of year is the fall.
23. I used to be a hair, seriously.
24. I have my nose pierced.
25. I have 2 tattoos.
26. My maiden name (Schneck) means "snail" in German.
27. Coincidentally, my dad called me "Pokey" as a kid.
28. I went to a parochial school for 8 years.
29. I love all John Cusack movies, especially Say Anything.
30. I attend church in a movie theater.
31. I took 7 years of piano lessons, and my brother still out plays me.
32. I was once chased by a 6-ft water moccassin while weed-eating by a lake.
33. I still like to watch Saved by the Bell.
34. I like to carve pumpkins for Halloween.
35. I got mono the last month of high school and almost didn't graduate.
36. I'm allergic to cats...HIGHLY allergic.
37. I was named after my dad's college friend.
38. I make the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever.
39. I went to the Spelling Bee in 5th a runner-up.
40. I'm rooting for Britney.
41. I am a CPhT (Certified Pharmacy Technician).
42. Sometimes I feel like a nut...Almond Joy is my favorite candy bar.
43. I was on the golf team in high school.
44. If ice cream was health food, I'd weigh 100 lbs.
45. I get stressed out in Walmart, or any other overly crowded place.
46. I don't like to assume anything.
47. I like the song "Umbrella"
48. I miss my husband.
49. I wish I was a little bit taller.
50. I can't stand to drink from a frosted glass, and prefer plastic to glass of any kind.
51. I sleep with my cell phone under my pillow, thank you Navy.
52. I played Ricki Lake in our senior skit...Again, laugh hysterically.
53. I used to get stopped at least once a day in Nashville by silly people, telling me I look like (pre-op) Ashlee Simpson.
54. I cannot go to sleep at night if my closet doors are open...don't ask :)
55. I wrote in a journal every night Justin was gone on deployment so he could read it when he returned...over 200 days!
56. It was not uncommon to see alligators in our yard growing up.
57. I am really good at selling stuff on craigslist, but have not yet tackled Ebay.
58. I was the driver of the car which got into an accident that almost killed me AND Jonathan.
59. I tried to learn Spanish on cd, but gave up after about a minute.
60. The person that makes me laugh the most is Alana.
61. I will only buy cokes or soda of any kind if it is $3 or less for a 12 pack, but will pay $4 for a cup of coffee at Starbizzles :)
62. I want to have another child...preferably a boy this time.
63. Jon and I used to stay up late (secretly) and watch Studs. Hahahahahahaha. Do you remember that show?
64. We also went to sleep listening to a tape of my dad singing..."I Love Him More..."
65. I <3 the Golden Girls!
66. I use a Sonicare toothbrush.
67. My current dream job (outside of mommy) is a cosmetologist.
68. I don't like my face to be touched, by ANYone.
69. Target is my second home.
70. My favorite breakfast cereal is Froot Loops with marshmallows...but I usually eat it at night!
71. I subscribe to Shape magazine, and I'm still not in shape.
72. My favorite colors are black and white.
73. My dream car is a Toyota Matrix (I'm simple)
74. I like to wrap presents.
75. I want to go to Greece sometime in my life.
76. I hate politics.
77. If I had any plastic surgery it would be a nose job.
78. My first job was at Blue Lake Academy, after-school care.
79. Mimes and clowns freak me out.
80. I used to work at a psych hospital in Nashville...Oh, the stories I could tell!
81. I love the beach, hate the ocean.
82. I only had one Barbie doll my entire life...not sad about it, haha.
83. I have a guitar, but don't play it that often OR that well.
84. I never imagined I would be a military wife.
85. My favorite movie theater snack is Twizzlers...Mr. Pibb and Red Vines...for sure!
86. I watched my mom skydive when I was 9.
87. I love, love, love to buy shoes...but I hate to spend money on clothes.
88. I have a MacBook and it rocks.
89. I wear glasses or contacts.
90. I hate to iron, hence my wrinkly appearance.
91. Along with celebrity gossip, I'm in lurve with Celebreality shows...most of them!
92. I have had arthritis since I was 16 :)
93. If I had a J-Lo nickname it would be Al-Po.
94. My fast food restaurant of choice would have to be Chick Fil-A.
95. I wish I had more energy.
96. I talk on my cell phone way too much.
97. I have seen every episode of Dora the fact, I own them all!
98. I laughed so hard yesterday, that I cried.
99. My life is truly blessed, and I couldn't ask for anything more!
100. It's Alana's bedtime. Good night!


John Schneck said...

I learned a few things!

anne said...
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Melanie said...

Oh, I loved your list. I laughed out loud over some things and others reminded me of things I haven't thought of in a while.
For instance, I used to see the last part of General Hospital on occasion when I would rush home as quick as I could to see Dark Shadows, a soap opera involving vampires. Then I was a captive audience when my daughter started watching it (part because she was addicted to the show, and partly because she was obsessed with Jonathan Jackson.)

You need to come to the West coast. You're welcome here. I'm definitely in the west, but not really on the coast, unless you count the great Salt Lake. My mom lives about 2hrs. from San Fran., though.

I used to absolutely love Yahtzee when I was a kid. Now I'm not sure I remember how to play.

#46 I knew, but someone hasn't said anything about it yet. LOL

Speaking of Elvis impersonators, I ran into this radio dj that we all were "in love" with in H.S. and that is what he was doing. I about died. He was at a friend's wedding as Elvis.

#32 would have led to my demise. I would have had heart failure on the spot. One of my biggest fears is poisionous snakes. Snakes I have no fear of. Poisonous things unnerve me.

#38. Come over sometime. We'll have a competition. LOL It doesn't matter who wins, the reward will be in the results. LOL

#87. I lovingly call my daughters Imelda 1 & Imelda 2. ;)

Oh, my daughter has your dreamjob, just not in your dream situation I'm quite sure. LOL

Anyway, I enjoyed your list. :)

P.S. You know, I should have put on my list that the two best words I learned in a vocabularly unit in H.S. were loquacious and garrulous

Jenna Lea said...

WOW!! That was fun to read! :D

sjaarnaeh said...

I Love To Read These Things! How Did That Car Accident Happen!? I'm So Glad That Both Of You Got Out Of It Okay.
Guess What! My First Job Is After-care At My School! HaHa When I Read That It Made Me Smile :D

Abby said...

i have a macbook too! and it absolutely rocks! hehe... great list!