Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Drumroll, please...

Wow, let me take a deep breath before I begin...I went to take my entrance exam yesterday (for Nursing school). I am proud to announce that I did exceedingly well, so thank you for all the prayers! I can't repeat the lady's actual words when she saw my test scores, but that is a good thing :) Now comes the hard part. First and foremost, I have to find a good and safe place for Alana to go to preschool. This is most definitely the part that tugs at my heart strings and makes me not want to do it...but I can't pass up the opportunity. Besides that, she's SO ready for school it's not even funny. If all goes as planned (which I almost laugh at the word "plan" automatically), I could have my nursing degree (RN) by August or so of next year. That's right! Again, it's a timing thing. I have so much to do these next few weeks in order to get things ready, but it looks like I will be able to get the ball rolling next month, as far as starting my classes. This is all so much to take in, really. Yesterday started out somewhat stressful, as I found out that Justin might not make it home in time for me to get to my appointment with the admissions office. I found it in me to relax, and as I pulled up to the college--with one minute to spare, thanks to Justin's literal running--I said, "God, if this is where I need to be let's make it happen!" I have been awake since 4:30 this morning, when Justin got up. I couldn't go back to sleep...but this is a good thing keeping me awake :) Oh, all the planning I have to do...Again, thanks to all the prayers and support of everyone. Keep them coming, this has only just begun!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

CS of the Month!

A big congrats goes out to my hubby, the love of the my life...the CS of the Month for December 2007! Even with all of his dislike for the Navy sometimes, he manages to pull an award AND a day off of his choice! (I've included a picture of him, looking his Navy best for grins). I love you, CSSN Portas xo :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

There's no place like home...If I remember correctly.

I know, I blog posts are getting scarcer by the moment. I have a sneaking suspicion that my "audience" has given up and dwindled away as well...for which, I blame no one! I have been in Nashville for what seems like an eternity. We were supposed to go back home to VA earlier in the week, but thanks to the 64 tornadoes that touched down here on Tuesday night...we remain. **We were skipped over by the grace of God, by the way** While I have enjoyed my visit here immensely, I am also homesick...wanting to go home to my hubby. I think (I hope) he is ready for my return just as much :) I am hoping that I will have some exciting news to share when I get home...I will give you an idea as to what it's about, to keep from any head-aching brainstorming. Brainstorming can lead you to places way off, and besides that I doubt anyone would guess this! I am going on Tuesday to take an entrance exam for nursing school! I don't want to go into ALL the details right now as to how this came about...the whens and whys and hows...But I will elaborate more eventually. I am excited and scared all at the same time. It has been a long time since I have been in school, or that I have had to use my brain at all please, say a prayer for me. I am a firm believer in God's timing. And well, I have faith that if this is meant to be it will be. I can't wait to have an update to report...but until then, pray :) This is a huge opportunity for our family! On my way out, let me remind you to vote for Justin (The Conspiracy Of) at! Regardless of what it SAYS, you can vote once a DAY...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

ok, just kidding

As soon as I published the last post, I went to check out the artistpr site...and now they have moved Justin to the right side. Just find him :)

Vote for Justin!

Just a quick hello to everyone. I am still among the living...I'm actually visiting in Nashville and have been a bit preoccupied, at least enough to keep me from writing blog entries :) Justin is back home in Norfolk, working (of course)...but he was chosen to be one of the featured artists on! You can go to the website and vote for his song. It's one of his OLD songs, but it was the one they picked! For those of you who don't know, it's "The Conspiracy Of" and it's on the left if you scroll down...You'll see his picture. Please vote for his song, and tell everyone you know to vote as well! It will only be up for 5 days, so be prompt :) Things here are amazing and wonderful...I will be in better touch when I get home next week! Thanks ahead of time for your votes...I know Justin will appreciate them!