Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Short and sweet

I'm not gonna go on about tonight's American Idol, because quite frankly I wasn't all that moved and I was just trying to get through it so I could watch the Biggest Loser finale.  Goooo Ali!  Ok, focus.  I'm not a big Mariah Carey fan...at least not since eh, circa 1992.  Obviously, she is an amazing artist.  I loved David Cook tonight...I actually found Jason Castro's performance to be somewhat entertaining (those white shoes are SO distracting, though!)  Carly's song was just alright, but I still like her.  Brooke seemed way too nervous.  And I will say that KLC's song was not the most horrible I've ever heard...Still don't want her in the competition.  All that being said, I'm not sure who will be the next to leave us.  I know my top choice remains the same.  I'm pulling for David, even if people think he is going for the sympathy vote by bringing his brother with brain cancer into the picture.  Give the guy a break!  I like him.  I love his performances MOST every week...and so there you have it.

One more time for Ali!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (And for those of you who aren't Biggest Loser fans, well it was the first time in the history of the show that a chick won...and she rocked it).  

Oh, and a special thanks to the stalkers (I mean, sleuths) who keep me updated on things going on in my family that I am not even aware of.  Just kidding...but for real, though--Nice shave, Jonathan :)  I loves it.


Jenna Lea said...

so am i an official stalker?
I watched the biggest loser too!
Poor Kelly, I would take a break if i was hurt like that.
i have a feeling i was gonna say something else but i don't remember.
Go Cook and Castro!

Melanie said...

Hahaha about the stalker comment. I'm sure you know everything before I do. LOL I did add your dad to my facebook (wow, that rhymed and it sounds weird.) He showed up on a list of people I might know. LOL

As for AI, I'm still in the same place. I need to catch up this weekend because I'm not going to a concert. LOL Sorry to hear about David's brother. I imagine AI knows what's going on in their lives and the call on using such thing for sympathy, etc. is probably theirs more than his personally. That's my impression of the show, though.

So, eventually I will get everything you are saying. LOL ;)
I've never watched Biggest Loser. I don't even know what it is about. Yea I'm tv deprived. LOL