Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An Open Letter to Brad Womack and the Whack-a-Doodle::

Dearest Brad, 
Thank you for being such a piece of work.  Because of you I have a newfound love...It's called the Bachelorette.  As a result of your wishy-washiness and your decision to dump DeAnna Pappas on national television and humiliate her publicly (more than once), the show has become worth watching again.  Now she is left with two amazing men, one of which she is apparently engaged to.  I know I will be watching next Monday night when she reveals who that person is.  And while I don't know who it is...I know who it's not...YOU!  I'm sorry for your luck.

Dearest Jason's ex-wife,
I do not know your name, but I will call you "whack-a-doodle" for grins.  What were you thinking letting a good man like this go?  And leaving your adorable son?  I know that I have never met you OR Jason for that matter...but whenever he appears on-screen, I find myself smiling at the tv (like a dork, yes) because his happy energy and spirit for life are contagious.  I hope that Jason is left standing with DeAnna.  He deserves a woman who can keep that smile on his face, as does Ty.  Don't kick yourself TOO hard.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I hope this works out for everyone. Set ups on tv shows would make me nervous.

Sounds like some people have no class, though.