Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wish I could tell you more...

Here's a quick non-update, update.  Still waiting for an answer as to when my surgery will take place.  There are a lot of decisions in my life pending this mystery date, and apparently my surgeon doesn't care about that :)  I will be calling into General Surgery today at Portsmouth Naval Hospital at 7:30...Please pray that I find some peace in the information I receive! 

I'm off to my last REAL day of computers.  Final on Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Praying for your 'news' to be good and satifactory to your needs.
As to the surgery....I had it done a few years back and it really was a simple procedure, done on an out-patient basis. No complications and not a long recuperation time...Will pray that yours is equally as succesful.
Thank you for your encouraging words re my blogging.
I believe I will enjoy it. I definitely enjoy reading yours...you have a talent for the right words to describe everything.
Love to all, Grm.D

Melanie said...

Surgeons are like that, aren't they?

I hope and will pray that the timing will work out perfectly.

Thanks for the update. I was wondering.

Jenna Lea said...

praying... :)