Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Does He Have the Guts?

I admit it. I have electionitis. The whole campaign thing--smears, ads, anything presidential really--has drained me beyond belief. I said I was going to quit watching or reading anything about it, go place my vote and be done with it. Unfortunately, it has been harder for me to do than I expected. I am hoping that tonight's debate will prove what I already know...that McCain has what it takes...And if he wants to show Obama that he has the guts to bring up the Ayers connection to his face, so be it. I think he most definitely will. Will Obama have the class to respond to it truthfully?

My biggest concern right now is that people are not doing their research. Hollywood tells them to vote for Obama, so they register and vote for him. Howard Stern (well, Sal) did a little research and went into Harlem, asking people who they were voting for and why. I would post the clip here, but it has some pretty foul language...If you are interested, just google "Howard Stern Obama Supporters Clip" or something and you will have no problem finding it. The gist is that he asks all of these people who they are voting for, and they immediately respond with "Obama". Then he asks them what it is they agree with most, his stance on keeping the troops in the war or his pro-life stance (both McCain views) and they say they agree with one or both...Or they are asked if they would be ok with Sarah Palin being VP if Obama gets elected, and they say "Of course, oh sure"...People! Come on! You are proving yourselves to be ignorant! (And by "you" I mean anybody voting that doesn't know the facts)

If you do your research and know what Obama stands for...and you still choose to vote for him, then fine. But don't vote for someone you don't know anything about simply because someone tells you to...or because he is charming...or because it will make history. I am not trying to get all up on my high horse here, but there is a LOT riding on this the future of our country and our children...and being married to the military makes it that much more crucial to me. I've said it before but I'll repeat. Whoever is elected will be my husband's boss.

Speaking of my husband, he is leaving in a few hours to go back to his ship for another 15 days or so. Out again to protect this country, that if we as Americans are not careful, will lose everything we have ever stood for.

Peace, Love and Wolves in Sheeps' clothing


Melanie said...

Yea, I know exactly what you mean.
I don't know if the Ayres thing would serve McCain well in the debate. What McCain needs to do, imho, is have a definite plan, be able to spell it out, and be consistent; and maybe lose that nervous smile that makes him look like he's up to something. LOL

I liked the Biden/Palin debates. A couple of Sarah's facts were questionable, but Biden out and out lied a few times. Yea... I think I'll take Palin over Biden.

Anyway, I don't get the popularity of Obama as he just sounds like another politician to me. He does talk pretty smooth. I have a lot of young Christian friends that support Obama.

Denise Schneck said...

Well said. It's sad to think people are so greatly influenced by what a person looks like or how well he speaks. We can only hope and pray our country survives this election and the next four years.