Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why? Why? Why?

Anyone who has watched tv in the past few months has seen this commercial...for the rest of you, I present...The Snuggie!

Honest to goodness...WHY do you need a blanket with sleeves??? And do these people not look like monks escaped from the monastery or something? Every time it comes on, Alana tells me "Mommy, you can get them in red or blue or even green!" or "You can even wear them outside!" I feel like she has been pulled into the Snuggie cult. I have to laugh. And I apologize to anyone who owns a Snuggie or thinks it's a good idea. What's wrong with a jacket? I just saw it and thought I had to vent somewhere, and what better place than my blog :)

Peace, Love and Infomercials


Lindsay Schneck said...

Girl, I heart the snuggie. I honestly really really want one. I mean, what could be better than a blanket with sleeves?? Jon was seriously contemplating getting me one for Christmas. Ha! It's so funny that you are against them!

Anonymous said...

I think they are kinda stupid too...I guess I am just old fashioned and like my sweat shirt and blanket????

Allison said...

I KNEW there would be one in the bunch!!! I still love you...

For the record, Lindsay...I saw them at Dick's, so you can save on shipping :)

Jenna Lea said...

Wouldn't your hands still be cold?