I'm alive...It's been a while since I've blogged. My dad was in town for a week, and this week just started and has proved to be busy! We have not seen the sun since probably Wednesday of last week...and to top it off, it has only stopped raining for maybe a few hours during that time.
Our "front yard"
This is what I have to walk across to get to the car!

Our backyard...
Not sure whether to go swimming or fishing.

All is well in the Portas house. I took Alana to the urologist yesterday. It was a fairly painless experience. I wasn't sure what to expect...but I was sure there would be nothing good about it :) The diagnosis was good and bad all at the same time. The good part is that her organs and her system are in perfectly good shape and everything works properly. They did an ultrasound and showed me that her kidneys are great, etc...The
bad part is that I have a child full of poop. I know that's gross, and I hesitated to even write this on here...but I know there are a lot of people that have been praying for Alana and want to know what we found out yesterday. She has a great deal of "stool"...it is actually pretty ridiculous. She goes "#2" pretty much everyday, but apparently she is not going enough! The stool is pushing on her bladder, as a baby pushes on a pregnant woman's bladder in like the 8th month...I saw it on the ultrasound, how much pressure it is putting on her bladder. She also has something called "dysfunctional elimination syndrome". Basically, her brain doesn't tell her to relax enough to empty her bladder completely...so we are having to go potty on a timed schedule, every 2 hours...to "void" and then sit for a few more minutes to try and "double void". She has also been put on a high fiber diet and has to eliminate all fruits and fruit juices for the time being, as well as certain other foods that are acidic because they irritate the urinary tract. She is to drink water...and even has to take Miralax each morning...
So this is my life now. Poop and Pee. On a schedule.
Justin is now officially back in the Bake Shop. He is gonna be working LONG days again...I think for the most part he is excited about it. He will be busy, and therefore time will be going by faster. It's hard to stand for 12 hours, though...so pray for his back and his knees! :) Thank you to all of you who said you would write him...I apologize if I haven't gotten back with you with his info. I have been a bit overwhelmed with things at home, but haven't forgotten any of you!!!
Peace, Love and the sun'll come out...
amen for the sunshine to come out...geez what are we vampires living in FORKS..haha see you in a few...YAY!
Like I said on Facebook, we are trading weather. It's sunny here, it snows there. You have nice weather, we get snow. You have rain, we finally get a little sunshine. Sometime we will get it together and both have nice weather on the same day. LOL
All that peeing and pooping is sounding like way too much work. ;) But it is good that you at least have an answer.
Standing for 12 hours would be hard on the body. Tell Justin he is appreciated. :) I'm sure you do all the time, but from me.
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