Monday, October 29, 2007
Head-achin', Not breakin'
Help! I'm about to crack. I've had a headache that the typical OTC pain medicines won't's been a couple days now. My first instinct is to want to reach for a Coke. I am not going to do that, but I don't know what TO do. So if anyone knows any secret tricks to get rid of my headaches...please share! And I can't look at this computer for one more second or my head might explode, so I'll be back to check for super suggestions later. Thanks ahead of time :)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
We(a)k in Review
Did you think I fell off the wagon? Nope! I've just been busy and haven't had time to sit down and think. Right now I have no choice but to stay inside, or I will likely drown...Lovely, lovely, coastal storms. Today, I have officially completed one week of the new animal-less (new word I just made up) diet. :::Patting myself on the back::: I honestly cannot believe I made it through. One night I literally cried--silly, but Justin suggested that I eat my dinner and go to bed, wake up in the morning and if I wanted to eat something non-vegan to just do it. This is the man's no-brainer approach...the man who went to Logan's Roadhouse and had a hamburger and homemade chips while watching Monday Night Football that very same night's approach :) I thought about it, and I realized he actually had a point. I have to take this one meal at a time. So I got through my meatless fajita dinner, and the next morning we went to Trader Joe's (my new favorite place) to buy some groceries. The girl at the checkout obviously noticed the cart full of vegan choices, and she started asking me about it...she is a vegan...offered me some new food choice ideas, told me where to buy them, and said the most encouraging thing yet. She told me to do it gradually. Too late! But it made me realize that it's ok to have something vegetarian that has a little milk in it or something every once in a while. She said "You'll make yourself crazy if you give it all up at once!" Justin and I exchanged grins at this point, remembering the night before when I was in tears over I don't know what...I won't lie and say it's been a breeze, but I think it will get easier the more I get used to it. I feel better, but I know I'm not even close to feeling all the benefits yet. I wasn't specifically doing this for weight loss, though I've managed to lose almost 3 lbs, not even exercising. I have not had a Coke or anything other than water to drink for a week now...That may be my biggest success yet :) Thank you for all of you who are supporting me through this and giving me ideas...We bought the So Delicious "ice cream", which I took one bite of just to taste. It was good! The best is the Tofutti Cuties...they are little "ice cream" sandwiches...all vegan, of course. It's just about finding what works for your tastebuds. Our favorite meatless meal (collectively, as a family) is the Gardernburger Meatless Riblets. I thought that nothing sounded grosser when I bought them...but they are DELICIOUS! Alana ate that faster than anything in her life, I think. All in all, the week was a victory. I can't wait to see what week number two brings my way! My tummy is growling, so I shall go feed it some organic flaxseed raisin bran with soy milk...Don't knock it til you've tried it!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Going Cold Tofurkey
I'm afraid my blog is going to become an eating journal :) I always have a lot to talk about, so I'll just have to try and keep it interesting...Today marks day 4 of the vegan life. I have been 100% true to the no animal product rule...I will admit, however, that I have been much more lenient with Alana...having let her eat Sun Chips today, as well as buying her donuts. The donuts were more to get out of the store without causing any more of a scene :) I hid them away, and hopefully she will forget about them--and so will I. Justin is doing really well at home, although he has eaten turkey (a definite animal) and lasagna (who could resist a grandma's version of your favorite meal ever?) on the ship...but he's still super excited about it, because he's eating more fruits and veggies...I went to bed last night wanting some ice cream, but I woke up feeling more energetic than I have in a while. Maybe it's my body talking me into sticking with this. Who knows? Justin said we definitely need to find a soy ice cream or something, because we are both in love with it. I still have 2 cans of Coke in my refrigerator. Justin said we need to pour them out...I say it's good for me to see them and be able to reach for the water instead. He says that I'm crazy. I'm sure he's right. I'd rather give them away than pour them out. Remember, I can't bear to pay more than $3 for a 12-pack?! The headaches have seemingly subsided...I'm becoming more creative with what we can eat. It's getting to that place where if I'm not creative, I will get bored and give up. I even got on the treadmill...only for 30 minutes, but I keep telling myself to take baby steps. I did have some ketchup and mustard that were not organic today...and I was frustrated, but they didn't have the organics at Walmart and I didn't want to go to the place that does. (Flashback to Alana and the donuts). Ketchup and mustard do not have animal products in them, but they do have other things I don't need in full force. Luckily I didn't use more than a drop of each. And Melanie is right about "veggie" burgers and other kind of meat substitutes...You have to read and re-read every ingredient because most of them have milk or dairy of some sort in them. I have been buying the vegan Boca burgers...they aren't bad. Did I mention today was our church's chili cook-off? Yeah, I didn't go. I thought the chili, the cornbread and desserts would probably send me overboard. Baby steps.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
And the winner is...
Ok to all my faithful blog readers (and maybe some lurkers)...Jenna wins the award. She is the only one of you who has yet to place her order for the hippest shirts in town. Don't let her be the only one! I know a lot of you have said that you want to get one but have not yet done so. There have been other orders but not by any of MY blogger unless you guys want Jenna to be the coolest kid on the block...You better keep up :)
Just kidding...kind of. Jenna, you rock!
p.s. There are a few new shirts up, so even if you've already visited the site...check them out!
Just kidding...kind of. Jenna, you rock!
p.s. There are a few new shirts up, so even if you've already visited the site...check them out!
Friday, October 19, 2007
One day down...
I'm proud to say that I've successfully made it through my first day of veganism. The meat thing is easy for me...The eggs and dairy, not so easy. It's amazing how many things have eggs and dairy in them! And of course, I had a splitting headache for half the day yesterday...but I didn't cave. Thanks for all the support from my faithful readers :) The thing I was most worried about in this transition was how Alana would adjust...But as I watched her eat her very first "smart dog" yesterday (and eat every bite) and then a veggie burger (and eat every bite)...I took a sigh of relief. She doesn't eat "normal" food that well. I think it is actually going to be a fun time, trying new foods and seeing which ones we like and don't like. Justin said I needed to make him a list of what he CAN eat so he can take it with him to work. I think that's going to be next to impossible, unless he eats a very plain salad...Unfortunately, in the same book I read it spoke specifically about the horrible food the government provides the military. Need I say more? And Justin is a CS (culinary specialist, for you non-military people)...he works in the bake shop...this will most likely be hardest for him, but he is at least giving it a go! Gotta go find something to eat for breakfast. I'm not sure what I'll have, but it will not be Froot Loops with milk. Darn!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Journey Begins...
Alright. At 10:17 p.m. on 10/17 (coincidentally, honest!) I had what I hope shall be my last sip of my last Coke...ever! I know that anyone who knows me knows the difficulty I have in giving up Coke 100%...but I'm doing it. It's not just Coke that will disappear from my diet, at least not for now. I'm doing a complete overhaul on my entire family's way of eating. I'm lucky to have a husband who says, "Whatever you buy, whatever is put on the table, I will eat"...So what brought this on? Long story, but I'll sum it up as best I can. I have zilch energy most everyday, even when I wake up. And this is not a good thing, considering my job of chasing a 2 and 3 year old around all day! I generally just don't feel good. So the whole corny saying "I was sick and tired of being sick and tired" led me to do my research on what I could do to change that. I don't get sick hardly ever, but I just...don't...feel...good. My mom is a nurse, and she is also quite knowledgeable when it comes to this kind of thing...and since I talk to her about a dozen times a day (yes, you read that right) she told me I should try to have a gluten-free, sugar-free diet and she was sure it would make a world of difference. Yet, in doing my research on that...I came across another book that I read cover to cover in a matter of 2 hours that shocked the socks off of me (and the Coke out of me) in a way that I never expected. Oh yeah, I forgot this was supposed to be the short version of the story. I truly began to understand the whole concept of "you are what you eat"...and when I look at what I've been putting into my body, as well as what I've been letting my child eat...I had an Oprah "ah-ha!" moment. So starting today...right now...we are transforming into a family of non-animal product-eating will be hard, but we are at least going to do it for a bit to see if it makes a difference in the way we feel and the levels of energy we have. As for Alana, she will go on this journey with us, but I'm sure her chicken nugget days are not completely a thing of the past. As crazy as it sounds, I felt like I was letting go of a dear friend by drinking my final Coke last night...which truly shows how much of an addiction it has become for me. I hope that I can continue to post about my wonderful progress and success with this! And for the record, I love animals but that is NOT what this is about for me, and I will continue to wear leather shoes, or carry a leather purse, etc. (Shh, don't tell PETA). This is about what I put into my body...and the journey begins.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Just As I Am
Some of you may already be well aware of the Portas family's latest venture...Just As I Am Clothing company! My most creative and talented husband, Justin, has always wanted to make this happen--and it finally has! Even though this is still in it's early stages, and even though I'm sure there will be kinks to be worked out, the dream has come true. Please visit the website at and take a look around! Spread the word to as many people as you can, via your blog or myspace, or even word of mouth! Oh, and help put food on my family's table and buy a shirt!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Happy Feet Herself!
Today was the first day of Alana's ballet/tap class. It was a success! She has already taken 2 pre-dance classes that were strictly ballet...and to be quite honest, I wasn't sure how the whole tap thing was going to play out. She did amazingly well! She is 100% girl, that's all I have to say! She can run with the boys all day, but when it comes down to it she is a girly girl. Thanks to Natalia for the cute dance bag we found hanging on our front door this morning...Awwww! What more can I say?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Apparently, my worries are not over...I hadn't been awake 5 minutes this morning when I saw another critter scamper across the floor and under the door to the coat closet. Thank God the exterminators are coming today!!!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Mouse in the House
Anyone who knows me, knows that there are few things I despise more than mice...I never had to deal with them when I lived in Florida, and then I moved to Nashville...Jon and I set traps and caught more mice in the first few months of living together than I ever care to remember. So today I'm catching up on housework that is next to impossible to do with two toddlers running around, because Lucas spent the day with his daddy. While throwing laundry into the washing machine, I see something scamper from the pile and run behind the washer and dryer. I freaked! I knew it HAD to be a mouse, because what else would run like that from me? I also realized I had weedeated the backyard this morning and probably sent it right on inside. Immediately, I developed a sick, sick feeling in my stomach. I called the office and told them to send the exterminator out...and eventually went on with my household duties. While walking through the kitchen, I saw something under the chair by the stairs...Lo and behold, there it was...the tiniest, cotton ball-sized mouse...a nuisance, nonetheless. I literally stood in the kitchen for about an hour and a half, watching it...waiting for it to move. I knew I couldn't catch it but I thought I could at least keep track of where it was. I called my dad, the master in pest control, and asked what I could do. "Can I spray it with something? Ant killer? Wasp and hornet spray?" Funny, yes...but I was in desperate need of answers! My dad was visiting with some people who had the simple answer of "Tell her to throw a towel on it and pick it up". RIIIIIIIIGHT...not doing that! So I waited...and waited...watched out the window for Justin to come home from work. And when he did, I showed him the mouse in the corner. He shrugged his shoulders, said "Why don't you throw something on it and pick it up?" and did just that...Within 3 minutes of walking through the front door, my husband had saved the day...the mouse's life...and became my hero all over again!
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